Subject: [AFFILIATES] Holiday weekend sale on my Metabolic Surge program (10 bucks)

Nick Nilsson Affiliate Program

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know
that I've just put my Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
program on sale for 10 bucks this weekend!

I decided to do a surprise sale on it this weekend and
wanted to pass the word along to you so you can jump in
on it, if you have space in your mailing schedule.

The up-front price is low, so initial conversions should be
good...I also have two upsells that get a consistent take rate
of 40 to 60%, so you'll see good conversions on the back-
end as well.

The price has been changed on the main sales page to
10 bucks so you can send people through the main
affiliate link for the book (just put in your CB ID where
the x's are).

You can grab swipe copy here:

Just be sure to add in your own line about how the sale
runs until Sunday at midnight, PST, then it goes back
up to the regular price.


Have a great weekend and if you need anything just let me know!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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P.S. If you know anybody else who might be interested in making money
from a muscle, strength, exercise and fat-loss affiliate program, please
forward this email along to them!

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