Subject: A word of warning about Xtreme Fat Loss...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yeah, I know that sounds a little ominous...

I promise I'm not trying to scare anybody but before you get
about 10,000 emails about Joel Marion's new program (called
Xtreme Fat Loss), I wanted to give you a quick heads-up on what I
think of the program and a bit of a warning about it.


I'll give you the warning first...(I know I can't stand suspense

This program is NOT for the casual's not for the
weak-willed...and it's not for the person who wants a "magic
pill" program to do all the work for them. You're not going to
see any hall-of-fame football quarterbacks plugging this program
on daytime television :)

This is a KILLER program and it WILL rip the fat off you IF you
can stick to it and put in the effort.

I've read through the entire program and the science behind it
is excellent.

It's based on a 5 day schedule that you repeat 5 times for a
grand total of 25 days. It incorporates very strategic eating
patterns with very targeted training to go with these eating

In this fashion, it's similar in concept to my own Metabolic
Surge program. Because to REALLY see fast results with fat loss,
you've got to target your training to the metabolic state you put
your body in with your eating, e.g. when you're not eating carbs,
do Lactic Acid Training to take hormonal advantage of low insulin

And this program does a GREAT job of it.

In fact, I may have to "borrow" a few of Joel's concepts for my
own program :)

Bottom line is this...

If your goal is straight-up FAST fat loss, you feel you can
handle a restrictive program and you're ready to take MASSIVE
action towards achieving that goal, this program will be an
excellent, highly-effective choice for you and I would definitely
recommend you grab a copy of it.



P.S. Got some goodies for you, too! When you order a copy of
Joel's program through my link (make sure you click the link in
this email), I'm going to also throw in a BIG bonus...copies of
all FOUR of my "Best Exercises" ebooks....abs, arms, chest and
the original "best exercises" book that covers all the bodyparts
(you can see them all at the URL below)

When you use exercises that your body isn't familiar with, it's
going to cause even MORE of a metabolic hit. Your body won't be
as efficient at the movement patterns and will require even more
energy to perform the exercises.

These exercises have the potential to speed up your fat loss
even beyond what you'll see with the program itself (except for
maybe the ab exercises - those will just give you something to
show off at the beach once you peel the fat off :)


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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