Subject: A warm-up trick for increasing your bench press INSTANTLY...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, got a good one for you here if you're interested in
increasing your bench press pretty much INSTANTLY...yeah, I
figured you wouldn't want THAT... ;)

This is an easy warm-up technique that activates the nervous
system and diminishes the "braking" inhibition your body puts on
itself when using free weights (I'll explain this more fully on
the page).

It's done right there on the bench that you're about to use for
the bench press exercise itself so there's not any special set-up
involved. I do this one whenever I do bench press and it helps me
tremendously, not only to avoid injury but to prepare the nervous
system for the work ahead.

Check it out here and be sure to post your comments!


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