Subject: A software upgrade for your brain...

You may not know this about me but one of my degrees (I have two) is actually in Psychology (the other is Physical Education).

One of the major focuses I covered in that degree program was Neuropsychology. It's absolutely fascinating what the human brain can do and how it works.

And I would have to say, one of the "aha!" concepts that really opened my eyes was "neuroplasticity"... the ability of your brain to change over your lifetime.

It can change for the worse...or for the better.

The critical thing to note is that YOU can take control of this process so that it changes for the better.

That's what THIS free online event, called the "Brain-a-Thon" is all about.

During this event, you'll discover...

  • How to “flip the switch” and turn your brain into your superpower
  • Fast tips for removing the “invisible roadblocks” that you may not even know that you have (but are still holding you back)
  • How to use your brain superpower to improve your income, turn your stress into fuel, and start living life on your terms
  • The unusual brain tricks you can leverage to become "automatic" and get 3-5X more done in half the time
  • How to push the “Dopamine Button” to get people ethically hooked on you, your message, your product, anything you want to make an impact with (this one is huge)

I've had a sneak peak at some of the's amazing stuff!

You can apply it to just about every aspect of your life... even your training (your brain will always quit before your body, unless you train your brain, too).

Click here to save your seat here before they reach capacity.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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