Subject: A simple trick to get a MASSIVE pump in your biceps...

This technique is very simple and very effective. Essentially, you're going to do a repeating sequence of one and one-quarter reps on the barbell curl.

This means you'll do a full range rep of the curl, then from the top, come down 1/4 of the way (staying well above the sticking point), then back to the top, then all the way back down.

What this accomplishes is getting you more time under tension on on the biceps, which is critical for muscle growth.

The top of the curl is obviously where a large portion of the tension gets placed on the biceps. By using this technique, you spend more time in that "tension sweet spot" of the exercise while still getting the benefits of full-range training.

Here's what it looks like (and yes, you don't want to use much weight for these...we're after tension, not blasting out momentum curls - I'm using just the bar for the demo).

Start with the barbell curl using normal form.

Now lower 1/4 of the way down.

Come back up to the top (NO momentum or bouncing out of the 1/4 curl).

Now lower to the bottom again.

Repeat for as many reps as you can get before form and tension start to break down (this will generally be due to lactic acid build-up).

This is a great technique to use to shake up your bicep training. It really forces you to get your mind into the muscle and develop tension in it rather than just banging out the reps.

Give it a shot and let me know how you like it!

Also, if you're interested in more killer arm training like this, check out my book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...covers biceps, triceps and forearms.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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