Subject: A simple "flatter stomach" exercise you can do ANYWHERE...

This is a very simple, VERY easy exercise you can do just about anywhere to help flatten your stomach.

It's called One-Arm One-Leg Cross Bracing.

It activates and tightens the DEEP muscles of the core...the ones that acutally pull in and flatten your stomach. There are called the Obliques (inner and outer) and the Transverse Abdominis.

The six-pack abs DON'T and CAN'T flatten your stomach...if you're doing crunches for a flat stomach, it's a waste of time.

You need to work those deep musces that wrap AROUND your midsection like a corset to really flatten your stomach effectively.

Check out the exercise's not strenuous (at all) and you literally CAN do it anywhere you have something to lean on.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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