Subject: A simple blueprint for actually BUILDING strength while on a fat-loss diet...

One of the toughest things to do to maintain and even BUILD strength while on a fat-loss program.

It's a struggle to keep your strength when you're on a's a constant battle between losing fat (which puts your body in a primarily catabolic state) and trying to keep as much muscle and strength as possible while you're doing it.

Doesn't mean it can't be done, though...

And that's where this version of my Time-Volume Training program comes into play.

I call it "Single-Rep Antagonistic Time-Volume Training"...or SRATVT, for short (ok, I'm not really going to call it SRATVT, but you get the idea...).

If you're not familiar with Time-Volume Training, the concept is a form of density training, where you stay away from failure, focusing on overall training volume instead of intensity.

For an in-depth explanation on how it works and how to use it in a full program, I've actually written an entire book on it - "Time/Volume Training - A Program For Building Mass Even With Bodyweight Exercises"

It's actually a GREAT way to train, especially if you're burnt out on intensity-based training.


Now back to Single-Rep Antagonistic Time-Volume Training...

This version of TV Training will utilize single rep sets. And instead of using just one exercise, you will alternate between two antagonistic exercises.

In terms of building and maintaining strength, this framework has several major benefits...

1. Single reps with sub-maximal weight won't destroy your nervous system, which is especially important while on a reduced-calorie diet.

2. Using antagonistic exercises has the benefit of keeping the muscles fresher for longer. There's more time between when you'll be hitting that exercise again when done in this fashion, while still allowing for substantial workload.

3. Antagonistic exercises have the potential to boost strength by 5% in the opposing muscle group. In practical terms, it means if you bench 200 lbs for a 1 RM, by using an antagonistic exercise right before, you could potentially bench 210 lbs for a 1 RM.

I've got the full rundown on this method for you here (including a video demo).

If you want to keep your mass and strength while dropping fat, you'll definitely want to give this method a try.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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