Subject: A new supplement that's making a BIG difference for me...

For me, it's VERY rare that I'll add a new supplement into my takes a special supplement for me to do that. I've
got things pretty well nailed down in terms of what works for
me and what doesn't.

Keeping THAT in mind, I just ordered 6 bottles of
this stuff so I don't run out of it.

So what is this amazing supplement?

It's the humble digestive enzyme...

(hey, I never said it was fancy :).

Here's the deal...I started using enzymes in earnest a few
months ago, basically testing them out to see if they would
make a difference in nutrient absorption and digestion (which
is critical both in fat-loss and in muscle-building).

The enzymes were the only new supplement I put into the
mix because if you're going to do a TRUE test of effectiveness,
you have to add only one thing in at a time to really gauge
it's effectiveness.

And now after a few months, I feel confident that
this digestive enzyme supplement HAS made a big

I find that my meals digest better (and faster) and I feel more
energetic. I don't have a bloated feeling after eating (unless
I stuff myself silly with a cheat meal, of course ;).

Click here to to see the exact product I've been using...

Now, the reason digestive enzymes are so important (and
the initial reason I tried them) is that as you get older, you
gradually LOSE your digestive enzyme production capacity...
your body simply can't make as much as it used to.

That's why teenagers can eat constantly and always be
hungry...they have a faster metabolism, sure, but they have
a massive digestive enzyme production capacity as well.

And I'll be honest with you...I think this is one of the
primary reasons people lose muscle mass as they get older,
beyond just reduced activity and hormone production.
Their bodies simply aren't getting the nutrients they need
to repair and maintain muscle and health because their
enzyme production has dropped so much.

You can eat all the food you want, but if the nutrients are
not getting absorbed (especially the vitamins and minerals),
you might as well be just tossing it in the garbage.

That's where digestive enzyme supplements come in...

I've found it to be a great SUPPORT supplement...meaning
that it doesn't actively cause anything to happen in your body.
It just supports proper digestive function and nutrient
absorption, which helps your body perform at it's best.

The one I'm currently using is from BioTrust (a company I've
mentioned products from before). I've actually known the
owners and lead product formulator personally for years.
Not cheap but you DO get what you pay's quality stuff.

If you'd prefer to try out another brand, totally cool. I'd
absolutely still encourage you to try this supplement "catagory"
out in general. I've noticed a big difference...just make sure
you do your research on the brands you buy as there are
some "less-than-useful" products out there.

For me, I'm sticking with the BioTrust product (called
AbsorbMax) because I know it works.

(just fyi, when you get on that page, be sure to click the
"Read More" link in the description. It'll give you a full
rundown on why digestive enzymes are so useful. It's good

So that's pretty much the deal on this new supplement. It's
one that now has a permanent place in my supplement
routine, regardless of the goal I'm training to achieve.

And If you haven't clicked on any of the 18 other links in this
email, here's the last one... :).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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