Subject: A new Time/Volume stretch protocol that will MASS YOU UP...

This is awesome...I tested it out on
myself last week and it worked
well for me.

Before I get to it, though, I just wanted to review
something really quick.

Yesterday, I sent you an email about IFBB pro
bodybuilder Ben Pakulski's powerful new MI40 Extreme
program, that's based on an extremely effective
technique called Cellular Expansion Protocol Training.

One of the key aspects of this protocol is a major
focus on intra-set stretching (which means
stretching WITHIN the performance of a set rather
than before or after it).

And I'll be honest...I absolutely LOVE this intra-set
stretch style of training.

I've been using it for years in a variety of ways and
I find it to be incredibly effective. When you click
that link above (or this one), you'll go to a video
where Ben explains his CEP training in detail and
walks you through a 4-minute bicep workout using it.

I definitely recommend you set aside some time to
watch the whole thing. It's excellent info, even if
you don't end up picking up the program.

Check it out here...


So anyways, last week (as I mentioned above) I
tested out a new protocol for my Time-Volume
Training technique that actually uses a version of
intra-set stretching, along somewhat similar lines
to what Ben uses.

If you're not familiar with TV Training, here it is in a nutshell...

1. Choose one exercise and take a weight you
can do 10 reps with and instead do repeated
sets of 3 reps.

2. Take 10 seconds rest between sets.

3. When you can't get 3 reps, increase the rest
to 20 seconds. Then 30 seconds. Then 40 seconds,

4. Continue this for a set block of time (e.g. 5, 10
or 15 minutes).

The idea is to "front load" the work so you do more
training volume when you're fresher. Quite frankly,
this original Time-Volume Training method is awesome.

Now...this new stretch-based TVT protocol
follows that same general pattern, but with
one big change.

Here's what you're going to do:

1. Choose one exercise and take a weight you
can do 10 to 12 reps with. You'll still do sets of 3
reps and you'll also still take 10 seconds rest
between sets here. This part is the same.

2. Now, when you get to the point where you can
no longer do 3 reps, instead of increasing the
rest to 20 seconds, you'll KEEP the rest at 10
seconds...but you'll reduce the range of motion
and focus ONLY on the stretch portion of the range.

For example, if you're doing bench press, you'll
start with using full range of motion sets for 3 reps.

When you can't hit full-range sets for 3 reps, you'll
do just the bottom few inches of the range of
motion (I recommend pressing off the rack pins),
coming up to just below the sticking point, then
back down.

Keep going in THIS range of motion, doing sets
of 3 reps until you can no longer get 3 reps. THEN
you can increase the rest to 20 seconds. Then 30
seconds, etc.

You'll continue doing ONLY the stretch-focused reps
until your block of time is up (e.g. 10 mintues).

That's it!

I did this with chin-ups, starting with full-range sets
of 3, then doing stretch-focused bottom-range
reps for the rest of the time block (at the bottom,
I would hang and hold the stretch for a few seconds,
then come up a few inches, then back down).

And let me just say...dang.

My lats were sore for DAYS. And it takes a lot to
get me sore these days.

Give this a try with exercises like bench press,
chins/pulldowns, squats, incline curls, close grip
bench press or shoulder press...anything that has
a decent stretch component at the bottom will work.

And definitely let me know how you like it, once you try it!


One last quick thing here regarding Ben's program...
I've read through the whole thing and it's EXCELLENT
stuff. Science-based and thoroughly tested.

And never mind that he's a pro bodybuilder...he really
knows his stuff for training NATURAL lifters as well.

I've met him in person a few times and talked training
with him at-length...we're on the same page on just
about everything when it comes to muscle building.

There really are some universal truths when it comes to
what works and what doesn't, regardless of whether a
person is "on" or not.

Learn how to build muscle FAST with MI40 Extreme...

If you don't have time to watch the full video now, when
you get to the page, click the "Learn More" link and
you'll be able to read through the whole presentation
in text format (the bicep Cellular Expansion Training
protocol is only in the video, though, just fyi).

Check out the CEP 4-minute bicep workout here...


Nick Nilsso
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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