Subject: A natural solution for neuropathy (nerve pain)...

When it feels like you're walking on glass...

When you dread getting out of bed in the morning because of that first step...

When you get that burning, tingling, stabbing nerve pain...

That's neuropathy.

And it's awful.

Personally, I've never had it but I have a connection to it.

My mom dealt with neuropathy in her feet when undergoing cancer treatment about 8 years ago.

It was just awful...excruciating for her to go through and so hard for me to watch, knowing I couldn't take that pain away from her.

It's a pain that I wouldn't wish on anybody.

At the time, I had researched some natural solutions that I hoped would help ... Alpha Lipoic Acid was one that we tried, that did seem to help a bit (took the edge off).

But we were never able to fully get rid of it.

Now fast forward to just a few weeks ago...a friend of mine sent me some information on a supplement that a company that she works with offers...a product called Nerve Control 911.

After having a look at their information and formula and researching some of the ingredients (I was familiar with a couple of them already), I think this stuff has a lot of potential. The research I read on the active ingredients was very positive.

Full disclosure, since I actually don't have any neuropathy or nerve pain myself, I haven't personally tested this product...because without having the issue it targets, it wouldn't make any sense for me to base a recommendation on my own experience!

What I DID like was the rationale behind the ingredients that were included in the product. Each one has a specific purpose that targets a different aspect of neuropathy treatment.

You can read about these ingredients here (or watch/listen if you prefer the video).

If you want to read the information, just move your mouse up to the top of the page and a box will come up prompting you to go to a text version.

It's interesting stuff (even more so if you're the one suffering from neuropathy, I'm sure!).

Overall, I think this product is very well thought through... natural stuff may not have the "impact" that pharmaceuticals have in terms of pain management, but something like this that goes after the root of the problem rather than just masking pain is a much better option, I think.

Learn more about it here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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