Subject: A killer quad exercise that minimizes glute involvement....

So even though glute training has come to the forefront recently (and rightly so), there are
still times when you actually WANT to minimize glute involvement in your lower body training
and focus more on the quadriceps.

This is primarily for physique development and maintaining balanced proportion in your body,
especially if you find your glutes tend to grow very easily when you do squatting movements

(I actually know about ten thousand people who'd like to trade problems with you! They've
picked up my Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now! book to work on that).

This exercise combination is actually two squatting exercises put together in an In-Set
Superset fashion, alternating reps of each one from a common start position.

Both exercises, because of how they're performed, tend to focus more workload on the quads
while minimizing glute involvment...put those two together and you've got two quad-dominant
exercises hitting the quads in two very different ways.

It's a TOUGH combination and if you like challenging leg training, you're going to LOVE this. If
you push it to the maximum, you will probably have serious trouble walking at the end of your
sets... ;).

Click here to learn this Quad-Focused In-Set Superset now...


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