Subject: A gift for YOU on my birthday... (Bilbo Baggins style)

So today, I turned 49 years old.

And I'm not broken yet, so to all the people who kept telling me "just wait until you're ___ years old," I'm still waiting ;).

To celebrate my birthday, I'm going to deadlift 490 lbs for 49 reps.

Not all in a row, mind you, but over the course of about an hour. I'll be giving you a full rundown of how I trained (over the past two weeks) to do it and the framework I use to perform it without getting wrecked.


Like Bilbo Baggins, I've got a gift for you on my birthday...

I'm a HUGE Tolkein fan and one of the hobbits traditions was you don't get gifts on your birthday, you GIVE gifts to everybody.

So what I've got for you today is my "Classified Muscle Building" report.

This is a direct download link - no email required.

When I first started training (upwards of 33 years ago now) I took notes after every workout on what I learned and/or came up with.

This report is what happened after I started going through those notes and began typing them up.

Just FYI, this is no-frills pictures, no video, just basically random notes on how to do a lot of different things in the gym better and more effectively.

There's some really cool stuff in there (some is a bit out there, but just use what you feel is useful to you).

And enjoy your birthday gift from me!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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