Subject: A dead-simple treadmill trick for a better butt...and better cardio!

And yeah, you're going to see what's so "dead" about it when you see what it is... :)

To do this one, you'll obviously need a treadmill...and it's HOW you use the treadmill that's going to make this technique RIDICULOUSLY effective for hitting the glutes.

Here's the thing that's wrong with "normal" treadmill training in terms of glute work...the function of the glutes is to extend the hip, which means bringing your leg backwards.

When you use the treadmill the normal way, the MACHINE brings your leg back FOR you, taking the glutes almost completely out of the movement and overloading the hip flexors.

And if you don't stretch the hip flexors regularly, those will tighten up, shorten up and cause postural and lower back problems.

THIS trick changes it all, forcing the glutes to activate and provide the bulk of the power on the's really dead simple ;)

This means you're going to get a better butt out of it AND you're going to get about double (or even TRIPLE) the effectiveness of a cardio workout out of it. It had me gasping for air within a minute.

Check it out here...


P.S. For the next few days, you're going to be getting a LOT of glute-focused information because (if you missed my earlier email today), I've just finished a HUGE update to my Gluteus to the Maximus book!

I'm really proud of this one...I've added a TON of new exercises and programs to it and it will absolutely get you a better butt FAST.

And this book isn't just about looks...not even close.

The exercises and programs in this book will build INCREDIBLE glute strength and power and help with all aspects of athletic performance. In fact, many of the exercises in this book are targeted to building explosive LATERAL power, which is critical for a wide variety of sports and is a movement pattern often neglected in training programs.

This is REAL, effective glute fluff.

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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