Subject: A cool Hybrid bicep exercise...dual resistance for TRIPLE the results...

Got a very cool "Hybrid Training" exercise that I want you check out here today for your biceps. This is called the Cable-Barbell Hybrid Preacher Curl and it's going to open up a whole new world of training for you :)

You're going to mash up regular barbell Preacher curls with cable Preacher curls...and this combination is going to eliminate that "tension gap" that exists at the top of the regular Preacher curl by adding that direct horizontal resistance from the cable.

Sounds complicated but once you see it in action, you'll get it.

And your biceps are going to hate me for it :)

(oh, and I'm not kidding about triple the results...I find one set of this Hybrid Training is worth 2 or 3 sets of regular's tough but VERY effective).

Click here to learn the Cable-Barbell Hybrid Preacher Curl now!

This is one of my very favorite training concepts, to be quite honest. Heck, I even wrote a whole book about it called "Hybrid Training", if you're interested in learning exercises just like this one that cover the entire body. This stuff is insane and incredibly effective.


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