Subject: A bodyweight glute and leg exercise you will LOVE...Speedskater Squats...

If you want to build a great butt, you've gotta squat, right? Well, sort of...

They're good but Squats, ironically enough, are NOT the greatest glute exercise. They don't put enough stretch or specific tension on the glutes to really maximize the results you get.

Anyway, the exercises I've got for you today are actually a few different variations of the same basic movement...a Leaning One-Legged Squat, that I like to call a Speedskater Squat.

Take a look at speedskaters, who at the highest levels generally have a backend like a Clydesdale horse. They spend most of their time on one leg, pushing at a diagonal angle, not doing two-leg squatting movements.

Same thing applies to figure skaters and hockey players (sorry Canucks...I was pulling for you because I'm originally from B.C., Canada myself!).

If you put all your energy into "standard" squats for working on your butt, I can promise you that you're mostly wasting your time.

[Little known fact, when I was a teenager, I was actually a high-level short-track speedskater...then I went to university and discovered cafeteria food and weight training...75 pounds of weight gain later, the rest is history ;)]

So by doing the one-leg squat on a diagonal (and I'll tell you both ways to do this), you hit the gluteus maximus AND the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, which aren't so glamorous but contribute greatly to building a better butt.

If you want a better butt, you are going to LOVE this exercise...

Click here to learn how to do Speedskater Squats now...


P.S. If you ARE interested in building a better butt, I've got some very cool news for you...on June 28th, I'm going to be re-releasing my book "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" - this is a comprehensive manual on how to build larger, firmer, rounder glutes from a REAL training fluff.

I've added a TON of exercises (the total count is over 80 now) and I'm in the process of putting together a bunch more programs.

Stay tuned...I'll be announing it here when it's ready!

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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