Subject: A bodyweight exercise that will BLOW UP your arm size...

So this one was inspired by one of the exercises from my book "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

That exercise is the Very Close Grip Barbell Row (it's the first exercise shown on the page, working the brachialis muscle with a compound exercise).

I took the same concept and applied it to the Inverted Row.

The brachialis muscle (which sits under the lower aspect of the biceps) has a TON of untapped growth potential that most people are missing out on.

If you want bigger, more peaked biceps, you can achieve that by building the brachialis (it pushes up the biceps from underneath, thereby increasing the peak).

Set the bar about 3 to 4 feet off the ground. The more upright you are, the less resistance you'll be working against, the lower the bar, the more the resistance, same as with regular inverted rows.

Take a very close grip on the bar.

Then pull yourself up towards the bar making sure your elbows flare out WIDE to the side, maximizing flexion in the elbow.

You will feel this VERY strongly in the brachialis.

Important...don't try and pull the bar apart...try to just pull your hands directly towards your face (your hands are locked down, so your hands won't move...your face will, but that's the best cue for it).

You can watch the video for this one here.

If you have a bar (rack or Smith machine), you should definitely try this blew my arms up every bit as good as the barbell row version.

I also did a pull-up version that is MUCH more advanced than this...there's a lot more resistance but it's a bit tougher to get the feel can see the video for that one here.

If you're very strong on pull-ups, you might want to try that one, too.


If you want more unique and highly-effective exercises like this....

You should grab a copy of my book "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

I've currently got it on sale for 60% off the regular price...but not for long. That special price will expire on Sunday night at midnight.

This book is packed with 277 exercises, covering every major muscle group in your body...and all you need is just a couple of dumbbells, a barbell and a bench.

You'll be AMAZED at how much variety you can really do with such simple equipment...

Heck, even I look at this book and I'm amazed at how many exercises you can do with just a few pieces of equipment and I wrote the freaking thing :).

Click here to get your copy of "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of" now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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