Subject: A SIMPLE exercise for tightening up your side abs...

This is one of the simplest exercises you can do
for tightening up your side abdominal area. You're
just going to be holding one end of a barbell

That's it.

The trick is the OTHER end is held off the ground...

In order to keep the bar level, you have to push down with one hand
and pull with the other, which puts torque in through the muscles of
the core, specifically the side abdominal wall.

All you need for this one is a barbell - I'm just using an empty Olympic
bar. If you don't have an O bar, you can use any bar...and if it's not
heavy enough, just put a few small plates on one end to load it.

And if holding on the end is too heavy, just hold in a bit closer to the
center (or use a lighter bar).

Just grab one end of the bar with both hands in an overhand grip
and hold it level for as long as you can, until the other end starts to drop.

Then repeat facing the other way to even things out.

Then try it with the bar behind your back.

Like I said, VERY simple exercise...and it's surprisingly effective for
targeting the side abdominal wall!

Just go through a cycle of all four of these positions at the end of
your workout, holding the bar level for as long as you can in each
one and you'll develop some excellent strength in the core.

And if and when you do build up enough strength that it's easy with the
O bar (i.e. if you can hold 30 seconds or more), just add a small plate
to one end.


And yep, I still have the link up for my 40th birthday sale for all 9
of my Best Exercises books!

You can still grab all 9 of those here for 40 bucks.

The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Back Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Shoulder Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Fat Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Mass Exercises You've Never Heard Of

And just fyi, The Best Leg Exercises book is coming soon! Gotta complete the set.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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