Subject: A RUNNING method that builds muscle...

When you think of "running," the first thing that pops into your head is probably testosterone-destroying, steady-state jogging style running.

That's NOT the kind of running I'm talking about.

My favorite type of running is actually something that I call Redline Interval Training. It's somewhat similar to Tabata training in that you're going hard for a short period of time then resting for an even shorter period of time.

For example, I'll run for 10 seconds, then rest for 5 seconds, then repeat continously. Or I'll do 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, etc.

The key difference between Redline intervals and Tabata is that you're NOT going all-out on the work periods. You're working at a pace that is fast...that you could keep up with for about 1-2 minutes...but not full-out like Tabata.

This allows you to work at a relatively high intensity for a higher volume than Tabata. It also doesn't trash you to the same extent as true Tabata Training (which is 4 minutes of brutal).

I actually find the energy required to go from running to walking to running to walking, etc. really ramps up the metabolic effects of the training method. The constant change of speed is very inefficient for the body, which is fantastic for fat loss and developing "start/stop" power.

It's like redlining the tachometer (rpm gauge) of a car, then easing up on the gas to to just below the redline, then stepping on the gas and going back over it.

This type of running workout is awesome...however, it's still NOT the type of running I'm talking about...

THIS is the kind of running I'm talking about.

This type of running can INCREASE testosterone levels, without breaking you down and without withering your muscle mass away to nothing, like normal "steady state" jogging does.

This is called Anabolic Running....

This is a program that tells you how to use running (not jogging or other muscle-destroying cardio) to help build muscle mass, keep your testosterone and GH levels high, all while losing fat at the same time.

Before putting this program together, Joe (the creator of the program) went through a phase where he did a lot of "normal" running, training for a half-marathon, and it completely trashed his testosterone levels.

At 26 years old, he had the testosterone levels of an 80 year-old man...not good, especially for being the newlywed that he was!

After much research and testing, Joe managed to fix his low-T issue with a very specific training regimen (which he'll tell you about in his book).

The first part of his website is a little "personal" about his low-testosterone issues, but I think you'll get the idea.

The program itself is excellent. Joe has done a nice job putting this information together...the running workouts are challenging and effective, and very time-efficient. You can learn a lot from his training methods.


I've got a bonus for you, too

My "Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training" workouts (which focuses on weights) are the PERFECT complement to his program (which focuses on running), so I've decided to give them to you for FREE, when you pick up his book.

To claim your copy of my Lactic Acid Training book, just purchase Anabolic Running 2.0 through this link (or any in this email) then forward your receipt email to and we'll get a download link sent right over to you right away.

If you've been looking for a way to get in some quality cardio without losing hard-earned muscle mass, this is something you'll definitely want to jump on.

Learn more about Anabolic Running here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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