Subject: A NASTY bodyweight drop set for massive triceps....

This method is going to blow up your triceps FAST.

It's based on the Bodyweight Tricep Extension exercise, and uses changes in body position to perform a mechanical drop set.

You can start (or finish) at any point along the continuum that I demonstrate, meaning you don't have to do the full spectrum that I show in order for this to be effective...the overall concept is the key.

You'll basically be moving from hardest to easiest by changing foot position and bar height along the way.

Check out the full mechanical drop set technique here...especially if you want to build some big, nasty triceps!

(Fair warning, if this is your first time doing this exercise, don't start with this puts an intense stretch on the triceps...just do straight sets at one height to start, then progress to this later).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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