Subject: A GREAT core exercise...One-Side Loaded Barbell Squats...

From Nick Nilsson

Got a VERY good core exercise for you today...the is the One-Side Loaded Barbell Squat.

And even though it's a squat exercise, it's not going to focus on your legs...the fact that you're only loading one side of the bar means you're going to put tremendous demands on the stabilization aspect of your core.

In other words, it's going to TRASH your obliques, strengthen your core and tighten up your waist, all without any bending, crunching or sit-ups.

If you have any lower back issues that prevent you from doing rotational-based core training, you're going to love this one. Heck, you're going to love it even if you don't :).

Click here to learn the One-Side Loaded Barbell Squat now!


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