Subject: A GREAT book...but don't buy it from me...(here's why)

So this week, you're going to be hearing a LOT of noise about
a new book by my friend and fellow trainer John Romaniello.

His brand new fitness and lifestyle book, Man 2.0 Engineering
the Alpha is finally available in stores today.

You may have already seen it in Barnes & Noble or featured
on some of the big NYC-based morning shows today, and it’s
already climbing up the New York Times bestseller list as we

The buzz about this thing has really been amazing, and is
truly's a GREAT book and definitely worth
picking up a copy (or two). I've known "Roman" for a few
years now and he's an incredible person...genuine, extremely
intellignent and incredibly entertaining :). This book is a
result of his passion for what he does.

Which is what brings me to why I don't want you to
buy through me...

A lot of trainers are sending emails about this book and
offering their own bonus books to go with it.

Not me.

It's not that it's not a great book. It is.

I just haven't had time to really put anything "monster" together
for it and if you're interested in the book, I want you to get
some MASSIVE value with this thing, in addition to what's in
the book itself.

So what I want you do is go through this's going to
get you the bonus pacakge offered by my other good friend,
Vince Del Monte.

He's another stand-up guy that I've known for a lot of years
and he's offering an AMAZING bonus package when you
pick up 2 copies of the book (one for yourself, one for a gift).

Check this out..

For anyone who orders on Monday April 15th, you'll receive
12 months FREE to Live Large TV, which includes ALL 4
seasons, plus bonus workouts such as The 7x7 Workout, The
6-12-25 Workout, Get Ripped Abs and many more. Plus, you
get unlimited access to me and the private community of
5,000+ members. Sign up for Live Large TV and you'll pay
$94.44, but tomorrow, it's FREE when you buy two copies
of Man 2.0.

(Ignore the expiration date that says Friday, that's a typo - it's Monday)

Here's what to do to get your bonuses:

1. Open up a ticket at
2. Use the subject line, "Nick sent me and I bought _____ copies of Man 2.0"
3. Attach your receipt for proof of purchase & so our team can
verify you ordered via the tracking links in this email.

That's the deal!

Click here right now to learn more about the
book and grab your copy (or copies) today!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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