Subject: A DEADLY Lower-Ab exercise for you to try...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of

And yeah, I think once you try it, you're going to be VERY
surprised at how extremely well it works. I've gotta be honest,
the first time I came up with it, I thought it was going to make
the Hanging Leg Raise exercise EASIER...

Instead, it made it a whole lot HARDER and actually WAY more
effective at targeting the lower abs. For me, it also took the
stress off the lower back and put it all the tension squarely on
the lower abs, which was exactly what I was looking for.

When you see it in action on this link below, you'll see what I
mean....looks easy in the pictures but DANG...

I wanted to send you this ab exercise because if you received the
email I sent yesterday, you know that I've currently got my ebook
"The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" on sale for
the next few days (til Thursday at midnight) for just $19.95.

This exercise is right along the same lines as what you're going
to get in the book...this exercise times 77, of course ;) (that's
how many exercises you'll get in the full book).

Click here to check it out now!



P.S. Be sure to watch out for the exercise I send along tomorrow,
especially if you have any issues with a "pooch" belly. I've got
an exercise that will bring that in and give you that flat lower
abdomen you're looking for (heck, it sometimes sticks out even in
people with lower bodyfat so this is good for everybody to

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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