Subject: A 20 rep squat set that doesn't kill you but DOES make you stronger...

If you want to build a BIG squat, you have to spend time under the bar with heavy weight on your back.

You also have to learn how to ENJOY the bottom position of the exercise...or at the very least, not be afraid of it. Because in the case of the squat, what goes down doesn't necessarily have to come up...

This is 20-Rep Cluster Training for Anderson of my favorite ways to build strength in the squat.

Anderson Squats Bottom

This is a fantastic way to develop the groove for an execrise using heavy weight...

Lifting heavy in an exercise is very different than lifting light or moderate and they more you can practice it without crushing your nervous system, the stronger you'll be in an exercise.

"Strength is a skill" is the quote that sums it up nicely (Pavel Tsatsouline).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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