Subject: A 10-minute circuit for stronger knees...

Many experts will tell you that you can improve almost every knee issue with proper, purposefully-designed sets of strengthening and stretching exercises...

The trick is, in order to effectively rejuvenate your knees you need to progress the exercises properly, so that your knees get strengthened and not injured even more.

Random exercises and stretches are not the way to go.

Using the right sequence of movements kickstarts an increase in blood flow which reduces inflammation while strengthening, nourishing and rejuvenating the knee joint.

Once that increase in blood flow happens, you've unlocked the keys to the kingdom!

THAT is how your knees heal and get stronger.

I've seen this time and time again in my own training and in people I've worked with.

Movement truly is medicine...but it's gotta be the RIGHT movement.

Here's an example of this...

10-minute circuit for stronger knees

It uses what may be the 2 best types of strength and stretching exercises are suitable for your knees.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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