Subject: 9 food label LIES that may be keeping fat on you...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

Now I'm sure this would come as no surprise to you that some
food manufacturers (and it is a shame to have call people
involved with food "manufacturers" but that IS what they do),
aren't really interested in your health...

Yeah, I can see the shock on your face now!

Got an eye-opening video for you that lists 9 outright LIES that
you have to watch out for on food labels including...

- how the "Omega 3" label may be a RED FLAG for junk food in
some products (find out which)

- Why, by eating so called "Whole Wheat" products, you are
likely adding fat to your stomach.

- The TRUTH about food label ingredients and how many go under
the radar with their "fancy names" when they are really nothing
but SUGAR.

Check it out here:


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