Subject: 8 of my BEST "Best Exercises"... (try at least 1 or 2 of these ASAP)...

So I do lot of crazy stuff in the gym... I realize that.

And to quote George Costanza... "Aren't you glad you know me and have access to my dementia!"

The insane stuff that I do carries tremendous benefits for you...

Because the stuff I come up with will help YOU get much better results in the gym... and you'll have a lot more fun while you're doing it.

So with that in mind, I'm going to run through a favorite exercise from each of my 16 "Best Exercises" books...this is part one.

Keep in mind that you'll get ALL of these books when you pick up your Lifetime All-Access Pass.

(and a quick thing...normally, I have a package deal for all 16 of these books for $95...with this sale, however, you're going to pay less than that while getting 16 MORE books on top of it)


Exercise #1 - The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Nilsson Curls

To do this one, you'll need some basic equipment...the setup I'm using is a couple of bars set in the power rack. This exercise requires some good strength to start do this one, you should be able to perform at least 8 to 10 normal chin-ups.

You're going to be bracing your forearms against the lower back as you pull your body up. This bracing creates a new pivot point for the exercise, changing it from a lat exercise to a bicep exercise.

It's INCREDIBLE for your biceps.

They will be pumped up like crazy after the first set.

The BEST Bicep Exercise EVER...Nilsson Curls (Forearm-Braced Chin-Ups)...a Bodyweight Exercise For Building MASSIVE Biceps

The BEST Bicep Exercise EVER...Nilsson Curls (Forearm-Braced Chin-Ups)...a Bodyweight Exercise For Building MASSIVE Biceps


Exercise #2 - The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of 2.0 - Low Pulley Push-Ups and Cross-Overs

This exercise is a killer combination of three different methods of resistance for targeting your chest.

First, you're going to be doing a regular push-up (on your fists)...pretty straightforward.

Second, you're going to be holding two handles attach to the low pulleys of a cable cross-over machine in your fists while you're doing the push-up. These pulleys will be actively trying to pull your hands apart while you're doing the push-ups, forcing your pecs to contract constantly and directly laterally while they're also being used to push your body up.

Third, on each rep, you're going to balance on one fist then bring one handle underneath and across your body. This adds MASSIVE tension to the extreme inner pec area.

Combine all these into one exercise, and you've got a DEADLY chest movement that will light up your pecs like crazy.


Exercise #3 - The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Ab Rippers

My abs were sore for 3 days, the first time I did this one.

You'll be doing press and a pulldown/row simulataneously...with all the cross-tension of these opposing actions going right through the deep muscles of your core.

Nothing builds a strong core better. It's ridiculous.


Exercise #4 - The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Very Close Grip Barbell Rows

This is a back exercise that doubles as an upper arm exercise...I actually came up with this one as a way to do a compound exercise for the biceps that wasn't a pull-up.

So to do this, I basically focused on what made the barbell row hit the arms more...this is accomplished by moving the hands in right close together on the bar.

This results in greater elbow flexion during the movement (ie. the arms bend more) which means the upper arms take more of the brunt of the exercise.


Exercise #5 - The Best Power Rack Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Back Off Dumbbell Bench Press

The version of the dumbbell bench press I'm going to show you here today is the ULTIMATE beach body exercise.

This going to force continuous tension on your chest while placing TREMENDOUS tension on the abdominals as well... (you'll see why in a second).

The Back-Off-Bench Press is a unique movement for the chest that LOOKS like a standard dumbbell bench press...until you look a little closer. You'll be doing the bench press with your upper back hanging off the end of the bench.

And while it is true that you'll be forced to use less weight than in a normal bench press, I found this technique basically FORCED the pecs into continuous tension. I got a GREAT pump using lighter dumbbells and hit the core at the same time (and especially the rectus abdominis six-pack muscles).


Exercise #6 - The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Barbell Dragon Flag Pullover Leg Raises

This exercise is for advanced trainers's incredibly effective, but requires excellent abdominal strength to perform!

This exercise is basically a combination of three exercises...all of which are very effective at torching your abs individually.

When put together, the abdominal tension you can achieve is downright incredible.


Exercise #7 - The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Shifting Grip Bench Press

If you want a sculpted chest, the inner chest is a key area you need to focus on. The pec is one of the few muscles I've found that you can really effectively develop specific parts of it with targeted angles and movements.

This is due to the fan-shape of the pecs...they're designed to move the arms in such a wide variety of directions that you really CAN put more tension on specific areas.

The inner chest, however, can be tough to really hit effectively with free weight.

What you're going to do is a set of bench press where you'll be shifting your grip first inwards then back outwards DURING the set. The result is EXTREME tension on the inner chest (along with plenty of work on the triceps as you move your grip in closer).


Exercise #8 - The Best Back Exercises You've Never Heard Of - One-Arm Side Braced Chin-Ups

This exercise is a chin-up variation that puts the majority of the load onto one arm at a time. It's different from most one-arm chin-up versions in that you're still basically using two arms but the other one is braced directly out to the side.

This allows you to stabilize your body and provide some assistance during the bottom part of the movement (not much at the top).

And it's TOUGH. You'll need to be able to do at least probably 10-15 regular chin-ups before you'll be able to do even just a few reps of this one.


That's it for Part 1! I'll be back with Part 2 later today...

Bottom line, this is just a very small sample of the type of unique training info you'll get in my books.

And all of it is designed to make your training BETTER....more fun and more effective.

And you will get ALL my books when you pick up your Lifetime All-Access Pass here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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