Subject: 8 minute Tabata(ish) workout for MASSIVE fat loss...

The Tabata Protocol is brutal...20 seconds of all-out work alternated with 10 seconds rest...then repeat for 4 minutes.

And it's EXTREMELY effective for fat loss, especially given the short duration of the workout. When you're working this hard, you don't need a whole lot of training time.

I've got a cool Tabata-inspired workout for you here from my friend Jason Klein, creator of The Marine Body at-home fat-loss program. It's not exactly the same as the original Tabata Protocol, which is why I say "inspired!"

You'll do 45 seconds of all-out work for each exercise, followed by 15 seconds of rest.

Minute # (45/15)

Turbine of the Day (TOD) 16


Upper 1 Turbine

Upper 2 Turbine


A1) Superman + Push Up

B1) Inward Int. Push Up


A2) Prone Iso Ab

B2) Heel Push


A3) Mt. Ab Climber

B3) Close Grip Push Up


A4) Wall Slide

B4) Plank

(Just fyi, Jason uses the term "Turbine" as another word for "workout" within his training system)

His full program contains 30 follow-along workouts, just like this one....and every single one you can do in the privacy of your own home.

Give this one a try, see how you you like it...the workouts are put together strategically to work large amounts of muscle mass in a very short period of time (8 minutes), helping you get the most bang for your buck for every minute you spend training.

If you're looking for an effective fat-loss program you can do at home on a VERY limited time schedule and with VERY limited equipment, this is the PERFECT option for you.

Check it out here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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