Subject: 8 crazy exercises... yet not SO crazy that you can't do them...

(well, maybe one or two of them are...)

So after posting 8 exercises yesterday, I've got 8 more exercises for you to try out...

(If you didn't see Part 1, you can see those 8 exercises online here).

Today, I wanted to show you some exercises that are definitely unique but not so nuts that they're either impractical to do in a normal gym or you feel like an insane person doing them (I can understand that).

You'll get ALL of my Best Exercises books when you pick up your Best Exercises All-Access Pass here (25 bucks).

FYI, I'll be running this sale until Monday night so feel free to test out some of these exercises over the weekend and Monday, if you like.

Let's get to the next 8 movements... (you can see videos for each of these on website here, too).


Exercise #9 - The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Tilting Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press

One of the problems you might encounter with the regular Close Grip Barbell Bench Press is shoulder joint pain...the closer-in position can put more stress on the joints, especially when the hands are in the normal pronated grip on the bar.

There is also a strong tendency for the elbows to flare out, putting even MORE stress on the shoulders.

We're going to fix both of those problems with this exercise.

In this version, you'll be using a pair of heavy dumbbells and performing the close grip press exercise in a very specific way...a simple way designed to put even GREATER muscle-building tension on the triceps throughout the exercise.

You're going to TILT the dumbbells down towards your head during the press. This puts more tension on the triceps during the movement.

Very simple but very effective.


Exercise #10 - The Best Shoulder Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Towel-Plate Lateral Raises

I love exercises that use equipment not only in ways you've never thought they could be used in but exercises that make equipment out of things you never really even thought WERE equipment!

That's the beauty of this's a lateral raise done with a towel and a weight plate. You're going to string a towel (at least 2 to 3 feet long, ideally) through the center hole of a weight plate (I'm using a 25 lb plate).

Then you're going to grip onto the ends, with the plate hanging down in front of you. Now you're going to do a lateral raise, bringing your hands up and out to the sides as you raise the plate up.


Exercise #11 - The Best Leg Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Dumbbell Switch Leg Split Squats

This exercise forces your muscles to do ALL the work by taking away ANY hint of elastic/rebound help out of the bottom of the split squat position. And no elastic tension means more MUSCLE tension, which means more efficient muscle growth and greatly improved strength out of the hole for you.

You're going to accomplish this by switching legs in the kneeling position at the BOTTOM of the movement, coming back up on the opposite leg that you came down on.

Exercise #12 - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of - One-Arm Bench Push-Ups

This is a simple variation of the push-up that's going to give you three major benefits...

1. It puts more tension on one arm at a time, similar to a regular one-arm push-up, only focusing more on the chest than on the triceps, which regular one-arm push-ups tend to do.

2. It puts a great stretch on the other non-working pec as you're coming down into the push-up.

3. By putting more tension on one arm, you'll be using more resistance than just plain bodyweight on both arms, making this exercise more effective for building muscle mass.


Exercise #13 - The Best Mass Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Stiff-Legged Deadlifts Top Range Partials For Upper Back Mass

There are two main purposes for this variation of the Stiff-Legged Deadlift exercise.

1. It's going to thoroughly overload the top range of motion of the exercise with VERY heavy weight. The glutes and hamstrings are VERY strong muscles and respond very well to heavy loads. This is going to improve your strength in the regular SLDL and conventional deadlift by increasing the neural drive and connective tissue strength in the hamstrings and glutes.

2. This exercise can be adjusted to work the upper back VERY strongly, by forcing those muscles into a peak-contracted position THEN performing the exercise. This helps develop upper back mass AND improve deadlift form by strengthening the muscles that preven the back from rounding over.


Exercise #14 - The Best Fat Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Bench Step-Ups to Reverse Lunges

This is a great combination exercise that will hit every major muscle group (and most of the minor ones) in your entire lower body. This is important because one of the real keys to fat loss through weight training is involving the big muscles of the legs and, basically, doing a lot of work.

For this exercise, you'll need a bench (or a Step platform) and some form of resistance, such as dumbbells.

You'll be combining two lower body exercises, transitioning smoothly from one to the other...first you're going to do a step up onto the bench then when you step back down, you'll immediately drop back into a reverse lunge.

It's a challenging exercise both from a strength and cardio perspective, PERFECT for fat-loss training.


Exercise #15 - The Best Combat Athlete Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Feet-Anchored One-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

This is an amazing exercise, especially if you're an MMA fighter, wrestler or other martial artist where you need to train and develop your body to exert power and leverage while you're on your back on the ground. It's going to hit the lower abs, adductors, and chest all at the same time.

It's a One-Arm dumbbell Floor Press done with your feet/legs wrapped around a pole or beam. So instead of pushing with your leg, set out to side, you have to use your core and adductors to oppose the force of the dumbbell press and lock your body into the movement.

Once you see it in action, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If you're an MMA fighter, this is one you HAVE to try. It'll develop strength and power and train your ability to USE that strength and power when you're on your back covering up with your legs locked around your opponent.


Exercise #16 - Hybrid Training - Triple Hybrid Cable-Dumbbell-Chain Bench Press

Ok, granted this one is a bit crazy and maybe not so practical.

This is an exercise you have to see in action to's one of the single BEST chest exercises I've ever found. It literally attacks the pecs from just about EVERY angle in one single exercise.

You will need some specialized equipment for this one..., a pair of dumbbells, a cable cross-over machine or bands (optional are two ankle straps, for your wrists).

And just FYI, you can do this exercise very effectively with just the dumbbells and cables/bands. To perform the "triple" version I'm showing here, you would also need a pair of chains.

This type of training is based on the principles of combining multiple forms of resistance to better match the strength curves of exercises and better target different angles of pull within those exercises.

Dumbbells for the straight up and down, especially the bottom...cables for direct inwards lateral resistance, primarily the top...chains for accomodating resistance (heavier as you press up, where the strength curve gets more advantageous).

This is a Hybrid exercises that hits THREE types of resistance in one's insanely powerful!

[your nervous system has left the chat]


These 8 exercises give an idea of what's in the other 8 books in the series...

Now, naturally you probably won't use ALL of the almost 1600 exercises in the whole collection (that's a bit overwhelming).

Start by going through and picking out a few favorites from each book that you want to test out... stuff that really turns on a light bulb in your head.

You're looking at discovering at least 30 to 50 GAMECHANGING exercises that will take you to a whole new level of training knowledge.

Honestly, even I can't believe some of the stuff I come up with... :)

Click here to see the videos for each of those exercises above.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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