Subject: 8 awesome, new, insane exercises...(try some of these!)
I just have to say, I don't know where I come up with some of this stuff, either... ;)
I've posted all of these on my Instagram channel here (definitely follow, if you haven't already...I post a lot of stuff there that doesn't always make it into the newsletter).
1. EZ Bar One-Arm Swings
Just came up with this one last night...great way to do swings if you don't have a kettlebell or other means of swinging.
Even if you do, it's worth a try as it hammers the grip, the core and the posterior chain.
2. Cable-Plate Muscle Downs
Great way to train the muscle-up movement pattern if you don't have a tall enough ceiling...or if you want to train it with submaximal weight. This uses a pair of weight plates in a way you've never seen before.
3. Hybrid Band Flyes
This will trash your combine two exercises with different points of tension (stretch for flyes and contraction for band flyes) to get the best of both in one exercise.
4. Two Weight Vest Farmers Walks
This one is just something insane that I did...Farmers Walks with 625 lbs total... 355 lbs on the bar, 270 on the TWO weight vests that I'm wearing.
5. Chest Not Supported Row
This one will actually murder your may get the most instense muscle contraction of your entire life from it. Your chest is off the end of the bench with your hams keeping you from pitching forward.
6. Hooked Toe Inverted Row
Instead of setting your feet on top of the rail, your TOES over the rail and do Inverted Rows. This dramatically ramps up the required muscle tension to perform the exercise.
7. Rack Wedged Crunches
Surprisingly tough...wedge your feet under the rail so that pressure through your lower body keeps you in place on the bench. As you crunch up, the tension cranks up.
8. Behind-The-Leg Kettlebell Walking Lunges
This will absolutely TRASH your quads while avoiding stress on the knees. You hold the bell behind your leg then do something that you don't normally do with a walking lunge (you'll see).
And if you think these are awesome...
I've got 14 more exercises for you here, covering every muscle group in your body...
Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle