Subject: 77 cool ab exercises that will SHRED your midsection...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of

I want to start by letting you in on a little secret...normal
crunches are basically USELESS when it comes to REAL abdominal
development. Not trying to be controversial here, it's just true.

If your goal is to flatten your stomach, crunches can't do it for's not anatomically possible...

If your goal is to tighten your waist, crunches won't do it for
you and side bends can actually THICKEN it...

And if your goal is to develop core strength and power to help
support you when you lift heavy weights...well, crunches are
definitely NOT the tool for that job (that's like trying to saw
through wood with a butter knife).

To hit all these goals, you need exercises that target the RIGHT
muscles in the abdominal area.

The crunch, while it might give you a good burn, only hits a thin
layer of muscle down the front of your abdominal wall and doesn't
even TOUCH the muscles that really have the biggest impact on how
your abs look, feel and perform.

That's where I come in...

I'm known in the fitness industry as the "Mad Scientist of
Exercise" and I've put together a KILLER abdominal training
resource that will help you accomplish ALL your ab goals.

It's called "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of"
and it's packed with 77 unique exercises that are specifically
designed to target those goals I mentioned above...and right now,
I've got it on sale for $19.95 for the next three days.


So why a sale? Well, I live in the Chicago area and we just had
TWO nice days in a row, which is whole new experience. And nice
days means summer is almost here! So I figured the time is right :).

If your goal is to get a tighter waist and diminish your love
handles, I've got an exercise that'll do it, even if
you don't lose an OUNCE of fat...(it's a trunk twist and the key
lies HOW you do that it wrong and you won't accomplish
a it RIGHT and you can pull in those love handles

If your goal is to get six-pack abs that pop like a washboard,
the normal crunch doesn't provide enough resistance to really
make it happen.

And if your goal is to build rock-solid core strength and
explosive power, I've developed some EXTREMELY good exercises
that will have you tossing away your lifting belt, feeling
stronger and performing better in a matter of DAYS.

This book contains 77 of my BEST abdominal exercises (that you've
never heard of, of course :), many of which can be done at home
with little to no equipment at all.

And as I mentioned above, for the next 3 days (til Thursday at
midnight), I've got it on sale for just $19.95.

Click here to check it out now!



P.S. On that page, I've got FOUR sample exercises taken right out
of the book...Pushdowns to the Floor, Reverse Leg Raises, Two
Dumbell Ball Twists, and Curl Squats. These four exercises will
give you a great idea of exactly what I'm talking about with
targeted ab exercises.


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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