Subject: 7 ways to tell if you’re magnesium deficient (80% chance you are)

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So if you were magnesium deficient, how would you even know?

(and honestly, there is a very good chance you are...80% of Americans actually are)


Here are 7 ways to tell if you're deficient...

1. You have low energy and drag yourself around all day long

2. Sleep have a hard time getting to sleep or staying asleep, waking up in the night and just staring at the ceiling while your brain races about everything you need to do tomorrow

3. You feel stressed out by just about everything...even small things that shouldn't stress you out

4. Irregular heartbeats (my wife experiences this one when she's low on magnesium and it's awful)

5. Muscle spasms & cramps (this is how I know when I'm low...I get massively painful calf cramps and think to myself "well, this is it...this is how it ends")

6. High blood pressure...magnesium is a "relaxation" mineral which can help bring that down

7. Loss of appetite... (I've heard stories about such things but loss of appetite has never been an issue for me, personally).


Magnesium is an incredibly important mineral for good of the most critical, in fact and most people simply CAN'T get enough in their diet.

It’s involved in 300+ processes and chemical reactions inside your body.

So if you’re deficient, you can experience all sorts of negative symptoms.

And the crazy thing is, more than 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient...even if they take a magnesium supplement (and especially if they take a calcium/magnesium supplement).

This is because most supplements use cheap forms of magnesium that your body can’t use or absorb efficiently.

And if you take a cal/mag combination supplement, the calcium out-competes magnesium for absorbtion and you end up NOT getting nearly the magnesium you think you are.


However, there’s a NEW breakthrough form of magnesium that might be the most potent and effective in the world.

This one was new to me...

Turns out there's good research backing it up.


It's called Sucrosomial Magnesium

Sucrosomial Magnesium can bypass the intestinal barrier with more effectiveness than other magnesium forms like Magnesium Citrate, Oxide, or Bisglycinate. This allows for a higher concentration of Magnesium in the body.

When you take it, you’ll actually notice the difference because you’ll have…

  • MORE energy to get things done with zero crashes
  • MORE support for healthy blood pressure
  • MORE support for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body
  • MORE relief from muscle spasms and pains
  • MORE deep and restorative sleep

And that’s just the beginning...

>> Discover what might be the most effective form of Magnesium in the world

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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