Subject: 7 signs you’ve got a fluid strength deficiency

A fluid strength deficiency is no joke.

(Fluid strength isn't about the musclse, bones and nervous's about the connective tissue, i.e. neuromyofascial matrix, connecting them all together).

It typically shows up later in life, however depending on how hardcore your training is when you’re younger, you can start seeing signs earlier in life.


Here are 7 signs to watch out for:

  • Nagging aches and pains.
  • Strains and injury that come out of nowhere… or that you never really seem to recover from.
  • Stiffening joints…
  • Tight muscles…
  • Lumbering, awkward movement…
  • Hitting plateaus in your training… or progress that’s slowed to a crawl…
  • Low energy… and low motivation to train…

And these are just a handful. I could name more.

The point is…


If you neglect your fluid strength long enough… your body starts falling apart.

And before you know it… you can find yourself in a serious plateau, or up doing many of the things you love in life.

The things that get your blood pumping and keep you young at heart, if nothing else.

Anyway, what can you do about it?


You can do this...the remedy for a fluid strength deficiency

Once you start to “right the ship” in that strange (but specific) way… you can toss out every belief you have about your “aging” body. And…

Start doing things with your body that defy your physical limits…

…and take your fitness to a whole new level… no matter your age.

Don’t let a fluid strength deficiency give getting older a bad name...

THIS is how you fix it.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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