Subject: 7 mental "tricks" to make your favorite exercise BETTER...

From Nick Nilsson

Stuck in a rut? Hit a plateau? It's time to stop phoning in your workout and put some BRAINPOWER into action.

One of the most common issues I see with people in the gym, ESPECIALLY those who are having trouble getting results, is a lack of mental focus on the exercises they're performing.

Sure, they're going through the motions and in a lot of cases even lifting a substantial amount of weight...but what they don't realize is that by really engaging their BRAIN in the act of lifting they could be getting MUCH better results with the same amount of effort.

So to help with that, I've put together a list of my favorite "mental notes" for some of the most common exercises in the gym...using these can make an immediate difference in your exercise performance and even add some substantial weight to your lifts!

Click here to read the 7 mental tricks now...

I cover bench press, deadlifts, squats, dumbell shoulder press, stiff-legged deadlifts, seated cable and barbell curls here (nothing too crazy this time ;).


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