Subject: 7 fat loss myths SHATTERED...

I'm Going To Tell You 7 Things That Will Change The Way You Look
At Fat Loss Forever.

From: Nick Nilsson
Author of Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

There are certain things about fat loss that people have been
taught to believe as fact which are, in reality, dead wrong. Even
myself, until very recently, believed many of these to be facts
that were set in stone.

Not anymore.

As a word of caution, some of these 7 things that I'm going to
tell you about may go against everything you've been taught to
believe about fat loss. However, sometimes going against
convention is exactly what you need to do to get spectacular

Let's begin...


MYTH #1: Successfully losing fat always means losing some muscle
mass as well.

FACT: It is possible to actually GAIN muscle while losing fat,
not just in beginners but even in advanced trainers. All it takes
is the right program of training and nutrition.


MYTH #2: Gaining muscle requires additional calories from food,
therefore it's impossible to gain muscle under reduced-calorie

FACT: Under the right dietary and training conditions, your body
can actually use your own bodyfat to provide energy for building
muscle, practically doubling the speed of fat loss.


MYTH #3: You must choose a consistently-strict diet of either
low-carb or low-fat foods to lose fat rapidly.

FACT: Low-carb diets work. Low-fat diets work. But neither works
forever. You can take the best features of both and combine them
to actually FEED off each other with NO plateaus EVER.


MYTH #4: To lose fat with weight training, you must use
high-reps with light weights.

FACT: Training with high reps and isolation exercises for fat
loss is a waste of time and energy. It will practically guarantee
that you won't lose fat quickly.


MYTH #5: You need to take fat-burning pills or supplements to
maximize fat loss.

FACT: Your own natural metabolism is FAR more powerful for
burning fat than any fat-loss pills or potions you could EVER
take IF you know how to stimulate it properly.


MYTH #6: Gradually reducing your caloric intake over time is the
best way to ensure steady fat loss.

FACT: Consistently reducing your caloric intake is a great way
to lose muscle mass. However, precise manipulation of the
nutrients in your diet (protein, fat and carbs) can have
extraordinary anabolic (muscle-building) and lipolytic
(fat-burning) hormonal effects on your body. It's all a matter of
what you eat and when you eat it.


MYTH #7: When you come off a fat-loss diet, there will always be
some rebound weight gain.

FACT: When the metabolism is properly stimulated and the right
combination of nutrients is eaten, rebound weight gain can not
only be eliminated, it can be reversed. With the proper training
and nutrition plan, you can actually CONTINUE to lose fat even
when you go back to normal training and eating.


Sound interesting? I thought so. Then when I created a fat-loss
program that shattered many of what I previously thought were
"facts" and turned them into myths, it was a real eye-opener for
me, too!

You see, over my many years of training, I had never once found
a fat-loss program that allowed me to even keep, much less GAIN
muscle while dieting. I ALWAYS ended up smaller, weaker and
depressed from having lost so much of my hard-earned muscle
(sound familiar to you?).

Sure, I lost some fat, but I had to go right back to
higher-calorie eating in order to regain the muscle that I lost.
This left me right back at square one - I had more more muscle
again but I still had more fat as well.

That problem is a thing of the past!

The name of my program is "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss"
(you may have heard of it before from me). It's named for its
ability to push your metabolism far beyond where it's been before
and take FULL advantage of the true power of your body's own
natural processes. Here's the link where you can check it now:



And here's the cool thing...I've got it on sale right now for
$19.95, down from the regular $29.95 until this Friday, at
midnight, then I'm kicking it back up.

And here's the OTHER cool thing...I've got a HUGE update to the
book in the works in the next month or so and the ONLY way to get
it will be if you already own the Metabolic Surge'll be
packed with videos, new training, bodyweight programs, the

...and the price will be higher on the fully updated program
when I release it to everybody, so if you are the slightest bit
interested in the program, NOW is the time to grab it. You'll get
the current version AND the monster updated version for just 20

Check out my own experiences with the program...I dug it out of
my archives from when I first released Metabolic Surge a few
years back...


"For the last several years, I've experimented with various
training and nutritional theories, techniques and practices all
with one very desirable goal in mind: burning maximum fat while
keeping maximum muscle."

"The results of my research were far beyond my expectations! I
have created a training and nutritional program that not only
harnesses and applies the awesome power of your natural
metabolism and natural fat-burning and muscle-building hormones,
it actually takes these processes and makes them FEED on each
other to amplify their effects on your body!"

"The bottom line is, I have created a program that will allow
you to actually BUILD muscle while burning large amounts of fat.
I've never, on any other program, experienced results anywhere
close to what I got from just one, short 36-day cycle of this
groundbreaking program."

"Let me put it this way...I started the program weighing 207
pounds. I finished the program 36 days later weighing 207 pounds.
Why is this a good thing? Because I LOST 3 INCHES from my waist
while doing it!"

"Not only did I burn almost 10 pounds of fat in 36 days, I
gained almost 10 pounds of muscle AND even increased my strength
significantly. Ever done that on a fat-loss program before? Me
neither. It's downright extraordinary for an advanced trainer to
accomplish results like these."

"If you're primarily interested in weight loss, however, don't
let my results throw you off. I'm certainly not saying you're not
going to lose weight when you do this program. Far from it!"

"You will lose a tremendous amount of fat while KEEPING your
muscle mass. It won't be water or muscle that you lose but FAT,
which is exactly what you want to lose when you're losing

"The numbers on your scale could very well drop like a stone,
depending on how much fat you've got to lose and how much muscle
mass you carry. For myself, I ended up at the exact same weight
and I was ecstatic! This is a system that is guaranteed to
reshape your body extremely rapidly."

"This program is also very special in that, when finished, I did
NOT experience any rebound weight gain at all as with many other
programs, even after losing so much fat so rapidly. To be honest,
I actually continued to lose even after I finished the program!
My metabolism was just cranking so fast at that point, even when
I went back to regular eating, my body still continued to burn

"Please note, however, this program is not for the person who is
looking to coast through and get results. The training is
demanding. But if you're already training hard and not getting
the results you want, this program is EXACTLY what you need.
Every ounce of effort that you put in will be rewarded with


This is truly one of the most effective training programs you
can do if you're looking to burn lots of fat while keeping and
even building muscle mass. You know from experience that I'm not
one to mess around with ineffective information. I strongly urge
you to have a closer look at what this program can do for you.

Click this link right now to learn how you can use the
"Metabolic Surge" program to rapidly burn fat and build muscle at
the very same time:

Take it from me...the worst thing that can happen to you in your
training is absolutely nothing. Why not take a plan that is
guaranteed to work and make the next 36 days the most productive
of your life!



Yours very truly,

Nick Nilsson

P.S. as I mentioned above, I've got this program on sale right
now for just 20 bucks until Friday at midnight. When you purchase
the book, you'll also have a chance to grab a few of my other
books for HALF price. Definitely jump on those if you're missing
a few of my "collection" :)

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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