Subject: 7 chemicals to avoid to keep your T levels high...

If you use household products that contain one or more of these chemicals, you could be TANKING your testosterone levels.

I've got quick excerpt from The Testosterone Routine book (written by my friend and colleague, Chad Howse) for you today.

And it's an important one that can have a BIG impact on your testosterone levels.


Chemical estrogens are a HUGE problem in our society – I mean massive. Our skin is our biggest organ, and we’re bombarding it with chemicals that artificially increase our estrogen levels.

Don’t use products that have these chemicals.

An endocrine disruptor is a synthetic chemicals or natural substances that may alter the endocrine system (consisting of glands, hormones, and cellular receptors that control the body’s internal functions) and may cause developmental or reproductive disorders.”

You’re going to find a lot of these endocrine disruptors in soaps, shampoos, deodorants, plastics, pesticides, preservatives, and other appliances and foods.

This isn’t to say you’re going to freak out and remove all cleaning products and plastics from your life. You wouldn’t be able to live, and there are alternatives (I’ll get into my favorites in a bit).

There are also chemicals that you have to watch out for and others that are harmless.

Below is a list of the most important chemicals to watch out for. Read labels, if you find any of these on products you’re going to use regularly, I’ll show you other options.

Estrogenic Chemicals Include:

 Bisphenol A (BPA)
 Phthalates
 Parabens
 Triclosan and Triclocarban
 Benzophenones (BP-1, BP-2, BP-3)
 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
 Also watch out for air fresheners – just flat out avoid them.

The thing with each of these chemicals is that you’re going to find them in a lot of the products you use. You’re not going to rid yourself of all of them, but you can do more than you think.

a. Use a water filter – a carbon one is more than good enough.
b. Avoid plastic, so use glass or steel for your drinking water.
c. Buy natural deodorants, shampoos and such.

This last one is something that I searched for for a long time. So many of the ‘natural’ deodorants, soaps, and shampoos still have either of those chemicals, or others that are unhealthy to have lathered on our bodies.


When you get a chance, check the labels on shampoos and soaps you use (and any other personal products). See if any of those chemicals are in them and, if so, you need to get rid of them.

In The Testosterone Routine book, Chad will tell you the alternative products he recommends that he's researched and tested.

Now, making adjustments like this to your daily routine are VERY easy. And they have a compounding effect, so that when you start changing up a few things, these can give you very big results in your natural testosterone levels.

As I mentioned before, we're not going to do anything artificial here...every tip, trick and strategy is designed to maximize your natural production of testosterone.

And right now, you can get The Testosterone Routine for just 9 BUCKS... (totally worth the price)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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