Subject: 605 lbs! Lifetime trap bar deadlift PR at age 50...

Honestly, this is a weight that I wasn't sure I would ever be able to hit again.

My last trap bar deadlift PR of 600 lbs was way back in 2007, when I was 34 years old!

But after hitting 500 lbs for 50 reps (as singles) for my birthday about a month ago, I figured let's put all that training to work and see what I can max out at.

Turns out that's 605 lbs!

You can watch the video of it here on YouTube...

And yes, that is a rolled-up towel stuck in the front of my belt.

The reason for this is to mimic the bloat/gut of a powerflifter which I find tremendously improves the solidity of core bracing.

It can literally (and I'm not exagerrating) add 30 to 70 lbs on your deadlift INSTANTLY because of it.

Plus, the improved core bracing means your back is better protected.

You can read the full rundown on how and why I believe it works here.

And yes, it looks CRAZY and stupid, but it flat-out works.

Test it out when the gym is quiet but it's something you should really take a crack at least once to see how it works for you.

Also, I'm going to be putting together a full report on the exact training (sets, reps, exercises, etc.) I did to hit that 500 lbs for 50 reps....then the 605 lbs a bit later.

My next target is the bench press...I've actually just come up with an exercise that I think has the potential to create your own "muscle Slingshot" out of the bottom of the bench. I'll keep you posted on that...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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