Subject: 6 simple hacks for increasing testosterone

So yesterday, I had talked to you about "biohacking."

If you missed that email, biohacking is using science-based knowledge to adjust your patterns of behavior to acheive a specific outcome...intelligent adjustment, essentially.

You can get your free (plus a small s&h charge) book on biohacking here...500+ pages of excellent, actionable, life-improving info.

Also, when you order your copy of the book, you'll get a free copy of his report "How to Biohack Your Testosterone" and accompanying video guide. Just forward your email receipt to me at and we'll get that over to you asap.

So keeping that in mind, I wanted to share my 6 best "biohacks" for increasing your testosterone levels.


1. Stop taking sugar/simple carbs in your post-workout shakes, even if you're taking creatine at that time.

If you do this, the sugar is KILLING your testosterone levels, right when you need it the most and right when you've just spiked them with hard, heavy training.

A recent study demonstrated this effect...(excerpt taken from the abstract).

"Glucose ingestion induces a significant reduction in total and free T levels in men, which is similar across the spectrum of glucose tolerance."

Personally, I stopped with post-workout simple carbs a few years ago and didn't notice any detriment to recovery in terms of how I felt with training the next day.

In addition, eliminating post-workout carbs helps sustain the GH release you achieved with your training as well (insulin doesn't get along with testosterone OR Growth Hormone).

Take your protein and creatine...just skip the sugar.


2. Stop Eating Soy (with one exception)

Seriously. Do it now.

The ONLY soy you should be eating are fermented soy foods, like miso, tamari or tempeh. All the processed junk that contains soy that you get at the store is TERRIBLE stuff...this includes those "nutrition bars" that use soy protein isolate to pretend they contain a lot of protein.

Not only does soy contain anti-nutrients that prevent absorption of the nutrients you DO want, the isoflavones found in soy can have estrogenic effects in your body.

If you drink soy milk, pour it down the sink (this goes for women, too). It's garbage. I recommend you use coconut milk instead...(even almond milk isn't's mostly water and carrageenan)

If your salad dressing is made almost entirely from soybean oil, get rid of it and use something else (balsamic vinegar and olive oil is a great way to go).


3. Load Yourself In a Squat Position

It seems there is something about the bottom of a squat (under load) that stimulates the production of testosterone...this is not based specifically on science but by "gym experience."

If you can't do regular barbell squats, use dumbbell squats, split squats or even elevated trap bar deadlifts (I don't usually recommend deficit deadlifts with a straight bar as the mechanics tend to get a bit questionable, especially for taller people or people with short arms and long legs).

I find this to be effective beyond just the stimulation you get from doing a heavy's the deep squat POSITION under load that seems to be the trigger.


4. Don't Eat So Low-Fat...Eat The Yolks

STOP eating plain egg whites and only plain egg whites.

Eat the WHOLE egg...and don't worry about the saturated fat and cholesterol. That's the GOOD part. The yolk is where most of the nutrients are.

Cholesterol is a CRITICAL hormonal precursor to testosterone. If you're not getting enough of it through your diet, your T levels will tank.

And in terms of cholesterol being "bad" for you, I won't go into the science behind it but your body actually NEEDS a certain amount of cholesterol...and if you don't eat it, your body will MAKE it. The problem is, the stuff your body makes is more problematic than the stuff you eat.

And if you don't eat eggs, grass-fed beef is another great option, as are "fatty" fish like salmon. Coconut oil and olive oil...also excellent sources of fat.

Overall, though, one of the fastest ways to kill your testosterone levels is to reduce your fat intake to below 10% of your calories for extended periods of time...short periods of time are ok, but anything over a week or so and you'll feel the difference.


5. Stop Using Commercial Shampoo

I know the main criteria that most guys use when it comes to choosing a shampoo is that it says "Shampoo" on the bottle.

You need to go a little deeper and look at the ingredients. If you see "parabens" on the list, you're basically absorbing an estrogenic compound directly into your scalp every time you use it. The hot shower opens up your pores and your head soaks it right up.

Personally, I use a "tea tree oil" shampoo from Trader Joe's. It's inexpensive and doesn't have any of that garbage in it.

The same goes for soap...most commercial soap is chock full of chemicals with estrogenic effects. Also, they (and shampoos) tend to contain variations of sodium lauryl sulfate (which is a powerful industrial degreaser).

I like to go with "natural" soaps like goats milk soap that have "non-industrial" ingredients.


6. Get Some Sleep

This is the easiest one and not the easiest one at the same time. Just getting better quality sleep is going to have a big impact on testosterone levels.

There are entire books written on how to get better sleep, so I won't get into them all here.

One of the tricks I like to use (which also nutritionally supports T levels) is to take magnesium and zinc right before bed (300 mg and 50 mg respectively). Magnesium is a "relaxing" mineral that helps your body calm down while zinc is a critical mineral for a tremendous number of body processes, including testosterone production.


More About Biohacking

"Biohacking" is something we all do every single day, often without even realizing it.

It's essentially the process we take to change the details of our behavior to accomplish specific goals or do things more efficiently (even something as simple as striving to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning).

These goals can be losing fat, increasing testosterone levels, building muscle, getting more energy, etc.

What the relatively new field of "Biohacking" is about, however, is taking a scientific, evidence-based approach to making those small changes to our lives that we already do on a regular basis and not leaving things to chance.

Instead of just relying on trial and error or things we read in a magazine or newspaper, the goal of true biohacking is to rely on proven research that has been shown to achieve the specific results we're looking for.

Last week, I did an interview an expert in the field of Biohacking, Anthony DiClementi.

You can watch the full video of the interview here on my YouTube channel.

I also had a transcript made of the interview, so you can read instead of watch, if you prefer.

Now, I've known Anthony for about a year now and we hit it off immediately....his enthusiasm for this stuff and his knowledge of it is fantastic. He's one of those people that are just a blast to talk to.

Anthony has released a new book called "The Biohackers Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus."

I have a copy of it here (yes, it's a REAL "hold in your hands" book) and it's excellent....500+ pages and packed with actionable info.

And you're going to get this book for FREE.

In order to reach the most people with this info, instead of selling it for 25-35 dollars, his business partner said..."You should give it away for free...just ask people to pay a small shipping fee."

Right now, Anthony IS giving away the book for free (with a small shipping fee of around 7 bucks).

(so yeah, not totally free, but definitely well worth the money, especially for the value you're getting).

** IMPORTANT info if you're not in the U.S.A.

Just so you know up front, because of shipping costs, Anthony is currently only able to ship inside the United States...he's working on international options for the near future, though. When he has options, I'll definitely let you know.


When you get the book, you'll get "How to Biohack Your Testosterone" as a FREE bonus.

This is really cool and a nice bonus that Anthony is also offering to you.

When you order your copy of the book, you'll also get a free copy of his report "How to Biohack Your Testosterone" and accompanying video guide.

If you've got issues (or don't want to have issues) with your testosterone levels, you'll really appreciate the info in this report. It's real-world stuff you can put to work and feel a difference with.

Just forward your email receipt to me at and we'll get that over to you asap.

Bottom line...

To me, this is a no-brainer.

This book is literally more than 500 pages long...good, actionable, science-based information that has been proven to work.

If you want to make some positive changes in your life without resorting to random bits of advice, this book has the plan for you.

Go get your copy here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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