Subject: 6 simple exercises for fighter fitness

This is cool stuff...

Dan Faggella is a 128-pound Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion..deceptively strong guy...and I had a chance to talk training with him not long ago.

Turns out, just like me, he’s focused on workouts that build “functional” fitness...not only for fighters but for EVERYBODY.

Recently, Dan interviewed Mixed Martial Arts fitness trainer Funk Roberts, and he’s put together an ebook of 6 BASIC Bodyweight exercises to build real functional fitness...and it’s Free for you right now:

Build a “Fighter’s Physique” with These 6 Moves >>

^ This is part of Dan’s upcoming video series on building a Battle-Ready body, and I wanted to make sure you got your hands on this Freebie.

Build a “Fighter’s Physique” with These 6 Moves >>


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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