Subject: 500 Swing KB Workout...simple...not easy...and very effective for fat loss...

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The kettlebell swing is one of THE single best exercises you can do...period.

And this is one of the SIMPLEST workouts you can do with the swing...simple but not easy.

When you drill down to just one exercise like this, it makes for a VERY challenging workout...the same muscles get hit over and over again with no real break.

This workout is going to build serious power/endurance (i.e. the ability to keep generating power even while fatigued). It's also incredible for cranking up your metabolism for fat loss.

You're going to take one kettlebell (ideally) or dumbbell and do 500 swings.

The key to maximizing the benefits of this one for fat loss lies in the PATTERN of how you do the 500 don't just blow out 500 in a row...

500 Kettlebell Swing Workout for Power-Endurance and Metabolic Conditioning

(If you're interested, this one is taken from my Metabolic Monsters book...75 workouts like this one...sometimes worse)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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