Subject: 5 reasons "normal" cardio STINKS

Here's the thing...long-duration, slow-pace cardio isn't evil. And I'm definitely not going to demonize it (even if it's not my favorite!).

This kind of training
DOES have it's place, though (primarily in people who are just starting out in their training, or when used as a strategic tool in ADDITION to higher-intensity training).

However...most people overuse it and rely on it WAY too much for fat loss, which literally PAINS me, because there are much better ways to get the job done.

Here are my top 5 reasons not to do it:

1. Minimal calories burned

45 minutes on the treadmill may burn a whopping 300 calories if you're lucky...the equivalent of ONE TENTH of a pound of fat. And that is assuming that the calorie counter on the machine is accurate (which it never is!).

Which brings me to my next point...

2. Way too much time involved

To me, the payoff is very limited in terms of the amount of time you would have to put in to get the results you want. I don't want to add ANOTHER 45 minutes to an hour on top of 45 minutes to an hour of weights.

I've got other things to do.

Beyond that, slow-go cardio is...


Sitting on an exercise bike staring at the wall in front of me for 45-60 minutes? No thanks.

And honestly, if I can read a magazine while I'm doing it, it's just not fun to me.

But perhaps even worse is the fact that slow-go cardio provides:

4. No prolonged metabolic benefits.

Did you know that with higher intensity exercise it is possible to continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours post workout?

It's true. But you know what else is true? Long duration, low intensity cardio provides virtually NO prolonged elevation in metabolism.

In fact, with slow-go cardio, metabolism returns to baseline almost IMMEDIATELY following the exercise session.

And finally, the reason that trumps all the others:

5. Minimal fat loss.

Minimal calories burned during the session and virtually no additional calories burned afterward = minimal, if any fat loss results. And let's be honest, the only reason anyone is doing cardio is for the "result".

So if slow-go cardio isn't a great solution, what is?

Well, high-intensity interval training, for one thing (and that doesn't mean you go straight into hill sprints right off the simply means periods of higher-intensity worked alternated with lower-intensity movement or rest).

Next, you've got weight training (my preferred method :)...

And in terms of weights, THIS is one of the best programs for doing it (just 90 minutes a WEEK)...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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