Subject: 5 problems with bodyweight training... solved

Bodyweight training is incredibly effective…you can use it to build muscle and strength and burn fat, all in the privacy of your own home (or on the road!)

There ARE, however, some major problems that can come up when training with bodyweight movements…problems that can bring your results to a screeching halt, if you don't know how to fix them.

I've got 5 exercises for you here that solve 5 of the biggest problems people run into with bodyweight training, including

  • an exercise that will literally DOUBLE the resistance you can put on your chest with push-ups,
  • and an abdominal exercise that targets the DEEP core muscles that will flatten your stomach and tighten your waist (which crunches and sit-ups CAN'T do).

Check out these 5 exercises and the problems they solve here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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