Subject: 5 myths that are CRUSHING your muscle-building results...

If you're stuck in a muscle-building rut, I've got a great guest article here
from my friend and fellow lifetime natural bodybuilder Hugo Rivera...

Hugo Rivera

(That's him and yeah, he's in pretty decent shape...;).

Bottom line is, building muscle is generally not as hard as you think
it might be
...there are myths that you might be buying into that are
holding back your development and depriving you of POUNDS of
lean muscle gain.

Hugo's article attacks 5 of these myths head on. Good info.


5 Training Myths That Are Preventing You From Making Muscle Gains

by Hugo Rivera, BSCE, CFT, SPN

There are a lot of training myths that are being passed around at
gyms all over the world and these myths unfortunately are the
cause for lost muscle gains.

In this article, I will cover these myths so that you can start making
the type of muscle gains that you deserve.

Training Myth #1: You Should Only Train Your Muscles Once a Week

Reality: It is my experience, and that of over a million people who
have followed my training programs that you get better results from
twice a week training. Unless you are a highly advanced bodybuilder
who has been training for around 20 years, who has an exceptional
amount of muscle mass, and who is pushing himself/herself extremely
hard at every single workout and moving exceptional amounts of
weight, once a week training will simply slow down your muscle
gains (note: for weight loss, a once a week training frequency for
each body part is acceptable but for the fastest muscle gains, twice
a week is best). If you follow the right training program, increasing
the frequency in which you stimulate your body parts will yield
faster muscle building gains!

Training Myth #2: You Need Low Reps for Muscle Gain and High Reps to Get Cut

Reality: This is what I call the caveman philosophy to training. Initially
when you start a program you start making great gains. Your body will
adapt and grow in response to the training. As you try to increase the
gains by trying to increase the weight, initially this works, but eventually
you will hit the dreaded plateau and the only way to get past it is….to
decrease the weight, increase the repetitions, and decrease the rest in
between sets in order to shock the body.

In addition, let me talk about the subject of high reps and getting cut.
High reps DO NOT get you cut. It is the right diet the one responsible
for putting the body into a fat burning state!

Training Myth #3: You Need to Keep Training Volume Low In Order To Avoid Overtraining

Reality: There are many who claim that even training to failure (the
point where another repetition is not possible) will overtrain you. My
friends: to grow muscle you have to PUSH YOUR BODY HARD!
Otherwise, there will be no stimulus to grow. The key is to follow a
workout program that pushes the body but allows it to recover. That
is what my Body Re-Engineering program is all about as in this program
you will take your body to the brink of overtraining for 3 weeks (via
higher volume, higher repetition, low rest training), and then you will
overcompensate by switching to 3 weeks of lower repetition work,
heavier weights and more rest in between sets. This periodization
strategy is the KEY to continuous gains in muscle size and strength.

Training Myth #4: Muscle Growth Takes Years To Happen

Reality: A championship physique takes years but muscle growth
itself can happen at a greatly accelerated rate via the use of the right
periodized training program combined with the right nutrition. If you
do everything by the book you will be amazed at how quickly you can
build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Just ask any of my clients.

Training Myth #5: You Need A Highly Equipped Gym In Order To Get Results

Reality: Nonsense. A good set of adjustable dumbbells is all you need
at the bare minimum. Add to that a nice adjustable bench and you can
do a variety of exercises at home that will build you up. Believe it or
not, most of my training career I have trained at home. At the end of
the day, dumbbell and body weight exercises (like pull-ups for example)
are the most effective exercises due to the amount of muscle fibers
that need to be activated in order to perform these movements.
Machine exercises on the other hand do not require anywhere near
the amount of muscle fibers that are recruited by free weights.

Thus, do not let anybody fool you. You can get the physique that you
want at home.

I hope that these tips help to steer you in the right direction

Take care and train hard!


———————-END OF ARTICLE———————–

By the way, if you enjoyed this article above, I recommend that you take
a look at Hugo’s new Body Re-Engineering System, which is on sale for
40% off.

==> Get BRE at 40% off + 5 FREE FAST ACTION BONUSES (valued at over $220)

This is an excellent utilizes the very same principles of
controlled and purposeful overtraining (accumulation) and recovery
that I use in my own muscle-building programs to
maximize results.

If you liked my Mad Scientist Muscle and Muscle Explosion books, you'll
get a lot out of this program as well...EXCELLENT stuff and right in
line with what I know WORKS.

==> Get BRE at 40% off + 5 FREE FAST ACTION BONUSES (valued at over $220)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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