Subject: 5 exercises for FIGHT-ENDING power and explosiveness...

Let's face don't bust your tail in the gym to look pretty...

You want power...explosive, overwhelming, fight-ending POWER.

Here's the thing, though...all exercises are NOT created equal...

...and the hours of hard training you're grinding through in the gym could be completely wasted if you're not using the right exercises.

Get 5 exercises for FIGHT-ENDING power and explosiveness...

Let's just say a few bench presses, crunches and curls aren't going to cut it...

You need SERIOUS exercises that will push your body to the limits, targeting the core components of fight performance so you hit like a sledgehammer, kick like a mule and build a rock-solid, powerful core.

Get 5 exercises for FIGHT-ENDING power and explosiveness...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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