Subject: 5-exercise "not core" core circuit... (you'll see)...

All you need is one dumbbell and one barbell for it (and a rack, ideally).

The workout is called the Inside Out Core Crusher...and you know with a name like that, I'm not joking around.

The Inside Out Core Crusher is a KILLER circuit put together specifically to target the core...without using a single actual abdomoninal exercise.

You'll work every major muscle group and movement with the circuit...while hitting just about EVERY aspect of core strength and support you've got (including a few you might not even have known you had!).

This is cool the full video demo here.

If you want an insanely strong core that PERFORMS under heavy load and LOOKS absolutely unbreakable, you've gotta try this one.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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