Subject: 4 reasons you should avoid this type of workout...

Got a great guest article here today from my friend and fellow
Canadian trainer Chad Howse that, from my own experience, I can
totally identify with.

Even though he was always athletic, he struggled with his body
image for years. And he blames most of his troubles on the dumb
advice he got in fitness and bodybuilding magazines

(sound familiar? I've been there, too).

All that is ancient history now of course (as you'll soon see from
his photo).

In fact, he's since become famous for his sculpted physique and
his no-nonsense "old school" fatloss method that very few people
are using outside a "secretive" group of athletes.

He's even shared his knowledge in popular magazines like Shape,
Men's Health and Men's Fitness. He told me he's committed to
making sure people read the RIGHT information in the fitness

You can read more about Chad's story here...

Here are the 4 reasons Chad gives for avoiding "most" popular
workouts you read about in the fitness magazines…


4 Reasons Magazine-Style Workouts Don't Work
by Chad Howse

I used to be hooked on my favorite fitness magazines. I'd faithfully
wait for each new issue to come out and then snatch them up off
the news stand.

I did all the workouts and tried all the diets.

You see, I've always been into sports. I played basketball right
up to college level. But I always had a bit of a body image issue.

So I thought I'd find the answers in those bright, shiny magazines. :-)

Unfortunately, most of the time they just made matters worse. I
got caught up in a mass of confused principles that actually
made my body look WORSE.

Since then I've learned a thing or two. In fact, I've even become
a regular contributor to some of those magazines. But I strive
to make sure the information I publish is no-nonsense, useful
and that it works.

You see, not all the info in the magazines is bad. You just need
to have a critical eye…

Here are 4 warning signs I look for. If you detect any of them,
turn the page!

1. The program or diet was written for people who
aren't "natural"

If the program you're reading about was written for a physique
competitor or a bodybuilder, turn the page immediately. I
have many "insider" friends in the industry, and I can assure
you that most of them have a fair bit of "pharmacological
assistance." That means programs written for them will NOT
work for you. You don't enjoy the same capacity for recovery,
muscle growth or fat-loss they do…

2. The editors chose them for their flashy "hook"

I once read an article about a "pumpkin" workout in a fitness
magazine. It was around Halloween, and they were suggesting
you do your workout with a pumpkin. I mean c'mon… I don't
mind attaching a fun "hook" to get you interested in one of
my workouts, but there still needs to be substance behind
what's being presented.

3. The workouts are incomplete

When I write a new program for a client, I can't fit everything
they need onto two pages. Yet most magazine authors are
lucky to get that much space for their articles. Obviously,
unless it's just a tip or a short piece of advice, it's pretty hard
to fit a complete program in that amount of space. So if that's
what's being touted—a complete training program—don't fall
for it.

4. They aren't realistic

This one takes many different forms. Sometimes the author
promises 6 pack abs in 4 weeks with only 6 minutes per day
(and no diet to go along with it). Or maybe the article assures
you that you can build Arnold-like arms with nothing but some
1 gallon jugs of water as resistance. Or the cover of the mag
sports a headline like "Your Total Body Workout, In Just 4
Minutes." I'm sure you can smell a rat… Just be wary of the

I'm not saying there aren't short cuts. You can get massive
results with very little time if you do it right. But there WILL be
some hard work, intensity and investment involved. If not,
we'd all be walking around looking like magazine cover

OK, there you have it. If you think you're being hoodwinked
by one of those 4 things, just turn the page.

And like I said, you CAN get shocking results blazingly fast.
But it does take some intensity.

You can read more about my workout philosophy at the page
below. You'll also discover the 3 fat-loss accelerating workout
methods that I include in all my programs.

==> Chad's workout philosophy explained here

You know, I discovered my workout methods in the strangest
of places. But I also share that story on the same page.

Read the whole page to find out how you can start torching
fat TODAY with the same methods I'm using with my fat-loss
clients from around the world…

==> Start using Chad's workout methods today…

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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