Subject: 4 killer new exercise variations...

...for legs, core, back and grip strength.


Exercise #1 - One-Arm Crook Split Squats

This one is a uses a unique dumbbell-holding position (sort of similar to a goblet position but not really) that allows you to use a heavy enough weight to work your legs AND your core at the same time.

Normally, the goblet squat limits your leg work due to core strength. This version will cook both.


Exercise #2 - Bench/Box Squats

If you don't have a box to do box squats with (which is a great exercise for developing your squat), this method of using a flat bench instead of a bench will do the trick. I find it safer (you'll see why) and just as effective.

Plus, it means you don't have to have a box.


Exercise #3 - Single Rep Bench "Reset" Barbell Rows

This is a great way to do bent-over barbell rows. It takes away much of the stress on the lower back, even when using heavy weight.

You'll do single reps in a very specific fashion (similar to a Pendlay Row) rather than a non-stop set like is normally done. This means you can reset your body into optimal position on every rep rather than having fatigue gradually deteriorate your body position.


Exercise #4 - Foam Roller Forearm and Finger Extensions

If you have a pair (or even just one) of foam rollers, this is a great way to use them to work your forearms and grip and finger strength.

It looks a bit insane but works GREAT.


Definitely give these exercises try!


Fat-Shredding Kettlebell Workouts

I posted this yesterday but wanted to resend in case you missed it.

I've got a killer sample kettlebell workout from a program called 6 Minute Fat Loss.

Here's what it looks like...using a pair of kettlebells.


Upper Body

Countdown Set

(a) Double Arm Swing (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(b) Double Arm Overhead Press (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(c) Sumo Deadlifts (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

» Perform As Fast As Possible

« ***Perform this circuit in a countdown set fashion by working your way down from 10 reps per exercise all the way down to 2 reps per exercise as fast as you can. Do this by minimizing rest in between each exercise and each rep interval.***


Lower Body

3 Rounds of

(a) Skier Swings (10 reps)

(this exercise is an alternating swing, that looks like cross-country kb comes forward while the other goes backward)

(b) Sumo Deadlifts (10 reps)

(c) Walking Rack Lunges (5 reps/leg)

(d) Double Kettlebell Swing (5 reps)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform all of the exercises of this circuit with the SAME weights, and when doing so remain tight through the core to maintain a neutral spine.***


This is the kind of metabolic conditioning training you'll get in the 6 Minute Fat Loss program. Fast, effective workouts that will crank your metabolism, get you stronger and get you JACKED.

Learn more abuot 6 Minute Fat Loss here...

(And yes, the workouts aren't exactly 6 minutes long...I think you get the idea, though...the key concept is training efficiency... and there are a TON of these quick and dirty workouts in the program, covering beginner, intermediate and advanced workouts, using very limited equipment.)


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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