Subject: 4 "greens" ingredients that are pro-estrogenic...

...and I'm not even talking about soy.

If you're a man and you take a "greens" supplement (or maybe you're thinking about taking one), you need to read this...


99% of all "greens" supplements contain estrogen-promoting and/or testosterone-reducing ingredients.

This was an eye-opener for me.

Even though I knew that certain plants and herbs can definitely be pro-estrogenic, I never thought to look at the ingredients in my "greens" supplement to see if there was anything like that in there.

And sure enough, 2 out of those 4 ingredients were actually IN the powder I was currently taking.

You can learn what these 4 ingredients are here (they're listed about 1/4 of the way down the page).


So what other option do we have for getting our greens?

My friend and colleague, Chad Howse, was the one who originally gave me the heads-up on those pro-estrogenic ingredients in my greens.

I've known Chad for years...fellow Canadian, in fact...and his whole focus is on helping men live their best lives, through training, nutrition and relationships.

Not long ago, I was talking with him about what he was up to these days and he said...

"Nick, I've been doing a TON of research on all these greens supplements guys are taking. Did you know that most of them (like pretty much all of them) have ingredients that can mess with your testosterone levels?"

With that he proceeded to run through the list of those 4 ingredients that I mentioned and the research that shows how they can increase estrogen levels while also negatively affecting testosterone levels.

"So I've actually been spending a lot of time and money formulating my OWN greens supplement to address this problem. You wanna try some?" he asked.

"Absolutely." I responded. "I've never even considered that before but it just makes so much sense."

So Chad immediately shipped a bottle of his new formulation out to me, that he calls "Man Greens" (the name pretty much says it all!).

I got it just a couple of days ago and have started testing it. So far, I like it a lot.

It's going to take a bit more time to fully assess how well it works in terms of testosterone improvement, but my initial impression is very positive. The concept just resonates with me and the ingredients are right on the money.

I'll definitely get back to you once I get a chance to really determine how well it works. But honestly, I could see myself taking this instead of anything else as far greens go.

The taste is VERY good (orange flavor) and the ingredients list tells you EXACTLY how much and what is in the proprietary formulas.

If you'd like to know what each of these ingredients specifically does for you, he also has that information on his site here (about 2/3 of the way down the should probably just read the whole page, actually, its got good info on it).


One Year Guarantee and Free Worldwide Shipping

This is one thing that I like about Chad...he genuinely wants to help men improve themselves.

So with that in mind, he wanted to make sure you felt ZERO risk if you decided to try this stuff.

He's offering you a FULL YEAR to test it out and if you don't like it, you get a full refund, no questions asked.

And it ships FREE...worldwide, which is INCREDIBLY rare for a supplement.


Bottom Line Is This...

You work hard in the try and eat healthy. You take supplements to improve your nutrition, not hold you back by bringing down your testosterone levels.

And now that you have the knowledge that most greens powders have ingredients that could be holding you back, you can choose something different.

Learn more about Man Greens here. This stuff is absolutely worth trying out.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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