Subject: 4 exercises that WON'T get you more pull-ups...

If you want to get more pull-ups...or get your FIRST pull-up, you're likely performing exercises that you think will help.

And it's also likely these exercises are NOT helping.

Here are 4 common ones...

Exercise 1 - Lat Pull-Downs: This exercise does work the same muscles but in a completely different way than the pull-up.

Exercise 2 - Band Assisted Pull-Ups: This one is better but the band provides the assistance at the wrong actually need more help at the top than the bottom (where the band provides the most assistance). It's backwards.

Exercise 3 - Machine Assisted Pull-Ups: This is similar to the band assisted pull-up, but in this exercise, your body is actually doing even less work, particularly your abs and glutes. The assistance is via counterbalance, which doesn't prepare you for taking up the full load of your bodyweight.

Exercise 4 – Bodyweight Rows/Australian Pull-Ups: While this is a good exercise and definitely serves a purpose, your body is traveling in a horizontal path, which is not specific enough to the pull-up.

These exercises CAN be useful...but they're not going to help you with your pull-ups very much.


There is a solution to your pull-up problems. My friend and colleague, Meghan Callaway, has created a beast of a pull-up program called The Ultimate Pull-Up Program.

This is a comprehensive 200+ page pull-up program that will help beginners solve problems that are holding them back from being able to perform their first pull-up.

Or if you can already perform pull-ups but want to improve your form, increase your number of reps, or perform more advanced variations, this program is also designed to help elites trainers excel.

The Ultimate Pull-Up Program has been broken into 4 phases. Each phase lasts from 4-8 weeks (though you can go at your own pace, as you need to).

Each phase includes exercises that will help you: improve your pull-up technique, upper body strength, upper body muscle tone, shoulder and scapular controlled mobility, core strength, grip strength, glute strength, and even lower body strength.

Remember, the pull-up IS a full body movement!

With each exercise, you will be given a very detailed written description as well as a video. You will also be given a prescribed number of reps, sets, rest, and tempo. This program has it all!

And just to be clear, even though Meghan is a female coach, this program is absolutely for guys, too.

Honestly, she can do more pull-ups than me and she's way more versed the in the nuances of pull-up technique.

Learn more about Ultimate Pull-Up Program here while it's 40% off the regular price!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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