Subject: 4 New Training Articles For Your Website

4 New Training Articles For Your Website

From: Nick Nilsson


This is just a quick note to let you know that I’ve posted new
articles on my site, ready for you to use on your own site.

The articles are available in both direct-link format and
affiliate-brandible format (for those who are already

The articles are:


Total-Body Resistance-Cardio For Fast Fat-Loss: One-Arm
Kettlebell Swing Step-Ups

Cardio training is important, especially if you want to lose fat
as fast as possible and develop your cardiovascular capacity. It
also can be quite boring and ineffective if yo uuse exercises
that allow you to plug away for long periods of time without any
focus, attention or intensity. That's where THIS resistance-based
cardio exercise comes in...


Barbell and Bodyweight Complexes for Rapid Fat Loss Training

If you've never heard of "Complexes" for fat loss before, you're
in for a treat...a very tough, very challenging (and I think very
fun) treat! Complexes are basically a series of exercises done
without releasing your grip on the bar or dumbells, going from
one exercise straight into the next with no break.

It's a form of circuit training that actually gives you even LESS
of a break than normal circuit training because you're using the
same equipment for each exercise and you're transitioning
instantly into the next exercise.


Barbell-Bench Transition Planks for Core Strength, Dynamic
Stability...and a Tighter, Flatter Stomach!

If you're interested in flatter abs and a stronger core, the
plank is one of the key exercises you should be doing. Once the
normal abdominal plank gets too easy, you've got a variety of
options to make it more challenging, more interesting and more
effective. This is one of those options!


Increase Pec Activation On Barbell Bench Press With This Sneaky
Step Riser Trick...

If you have a hard time feeling your pecs working when you do the
flat barbell bench press, THIS is a technique you're going to
find extremely useful. It's going to CURE your flat-chest
position benching.


You can copy and use the articles on your own site or you can
choose to link directly to the article pages with these
affiliate-formatted link:

KB Swings and Step-Ups



Step Riser Trick

If you're not yet an affiliate, you can sign up here and make 75%
commission on sales you refer through the links in these

If this article sounds good to you, be sure to check out the
rest of the archive! With these, it now contains 209 fitness
and training-related articles for you to choose from.

Thanks again for your support!


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