Subject: 3 untapped fat-burning strategies...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got some good info for you here today (as opposed to all that
other "garbage" I send you, I guess ;)

Three fat-burning strategies pulled straight out of that TacFit
Commando program I mentioned yesterday, developed by Scott
Sonnon. He released an updated version of the program yesterday
and is offering 51% off the product until tomorrow!


I've used all these tips and incorporate them into my own
programs so I know this stuff is good.

You've got some reading ahead of you, my friend... :) And keep in
mind that Scott's program accomplishes ALL the things you're
going to be reading about as you read through them.

It's VERY good stuff and a program I have no trouble recommending
very highly - totally worth full price, but especially worth it
at HALF price.

Just fyi, this stuff below wasn't written by me - it's a guest
article, so to speak, but I'm going to throw in links to some of
my own stuff so you can read more about these concepts in greater

I like the approach he's taken with this info so I'm going to post
out a muscle-building version of this later on today, too, so keep
an eye out for that.




Untapped Fat Burning Tip #1:
Exploit the “EPOC” effect with high intensity interval circuits

Contrary to what mainstream fitness has been saying for decades,
long slow distance running is not the most direct route to fat
loss. It’s true that moderate intensity, steady state exercise
uses primarily fat oxidation as fuel, but that isn’t the total

In a study done to compare the fat burning benefits of
traditional “cardio” training and high intensity intervals,
two groups were assigned different training regimens. Group A
performed the regular moderate intensity cardio regime (ex.
jogging or bicycling) for 20 weeks, and Group B performed a high
intensity interval training routine for 15 weeks. Group B lost
nine times more fat than Group A — and in 5 weeks less!

Why are high intensity intervals so much more effective?

Interval circuits place such an intense demand on the system that
it takes your body up to 36 hours to work its way back to
homeostasis (a normal state). That means you’ll incinerate
calories for hours after you finish training, even if you’re
just lying on the sofa. That aftershock of fat burning potential
is called Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC).

Plus, high intensity interval training is fast! That means you no
longer have to spend 30 minutes to an hour jogging your life away
on a treadmill. You can spend more time pumping iron instead.



What Do You Mean Low-Intensity Training Isn't The Best For Fat Burning?

The Insider Secrets of Interval Training - Learn How Now!

8 Week Cardio Interval Training Blast! Get Increased Fat Loss AND
Take Your Cardio Fitness To A Whole New Level


Untapped Fat Burning Tip #2:
Build muscle to burn fat.

We’ve known for years that muscle tissue is highly active
metabolically, and it helps us burn more calories during the day.
So more muscle equals better fat burn, right? Unfortunately
that’s only partly true — and not to the extent we once
believed. A pound of muscle is now thought to burn an extra 6
calories per hour (as opposed to the 25 or more per hour we once
believed). You’d have to pack on an awful lot of beef to make
much difference.

But that’s only one side of the equation. Muscle mass provides
a number of other important benefits, foremost of which is better
management of insulin. Insulin is your “storage” hormone. Its
job is to transport fuel into your cells. The higher your ratio
of fat to lean tissue, the less sensitive your lean tissue
becomes to insulin. Basically, when your body fat percentage
creeps too high and insulin comes knocking, your lean mass stops
answering the door. If you see a vicious cycle in all of this,
you’re right!

One way to encourage your muscles to start answering the door
again is through resistance exercise aimed at growth. Why is it
important to improve insulin sensitivity? Well, if your muscles
don’t answer the door, guess who will… Yep, your fat cells
are always ready with a warm welcome.

To top it all off, long slow cardio can actually cause you to
LOSE muscle because it increases your level of cortisol. If you
focus instead on short bursts of high intensity effort using
exercises that target the entire body in all its ranges of
motion, you can actually BUILD muscle while you do your cardio!
Fat burning just got easier, and a lot more fun.



Follow the Path of MOST Resistance! Learn why weight training is
the fast track to sculpting your body.


Untapped Fat Burning Tip #3:
Use lactic acid to spike growth hormone

That burn you feel in your muscles when you’re in the middle of
a workout is caused by the buildup of lactic acid. It’s the
“misery” that keeps non-exercisers from working out, and
it’s the rite of passage hardcore trainers push for simply as a
matter of masochism.

But there’s much more to it than that. The lactic acid burn is
also your body’s trigger to start the secretion process for
human growth hormone. And growth hormone acts to build lean mass
AND reduce fat.

A 2006 study from Brazil which measured four different repetition
protocols determined that what they called Functional Isometrics
was the most potent metabolic stimulator. Hold a static position
under enough of a load and you’ll feel the burn… That same
burn is what you should shoot for in your cardio training if you
want to tap that GH release and send your fat metabolism into

It’s not a magic bullet, but it does play a powerful role in
your quest to shred your physique. Sounds like a good deal!



High/Low Lactic Acid Training For Maintaining Strength While
Dropping Fat

No-Rest Lactic Acid Supersetting - Supercharge Your Metabolism
For Fat Loss!


So like I said, Scott's program is going to accomplish all these
things. These three fat-loss strategies are ones I absolutely
agree with. Got muscle-building stuff on the way soon!



P.S. Don't forget, I'm throwing in a bonus copy my own Hybrid
Training ebook if you decide to pick up TacFit Commando through
the link in this email. It's all about combining multiple forms
of resistance (free weight, cables, bands and bodyweight
training) into SINGLE exercises - very cool stuff.


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